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PET Windows Version 76.65 [01/28/2025]
  • Harvest-tag Module: Transfer to Job Cards
    • Added the word "Warning" to the Gap exception message.
    • Harvest-tags with Warning Exception are transferred.
    • Harvest-tags with Errors (Exceptions that are not Warning) are not transferred.
    • After modifying a Harvest-tag, the Exception section is refreshed.
  • Job Cards created from Harvest-tags: Seconds are removed from the start and end times.
  • Corrected unhandled exception when editing a Job-card's setup record from Job-card grid screen.
PET Windows Version 76.64 [01/27/2025]
  • Harvest-tag module:
    • Transfer to Job-cards:
      • The preference: "Harvest-tag Maximum Gap [Hours]" is treated as a Warning.
      • Warnings are displayed in the Exception section and included in the exception report.
      • The transfer creates a Gap Job-card for the entire Gap period.
      • A confirmation is required when the user clicks on Refresh button.
      • The Harvest-tag count is displayed after the transfer is completed.
      • Only errors are included in the completion message.
      • The Transfer does not include the Time-cards section, if the preference 'Use Time-cards' is set to No and the program includes the Harvest-tag module.
    • Exception section:
      • It is organized by the Harvest-tags not by the employees.
      • Overlap and Gap exceptions have only two lines one for each Harvest-tag (not a line per employee).
      • The overlap exception message was modified for clarity.
      • The Gap exception message was modified for clarity.
      • The Harvest-tag exception report was modified to be organized by the Harvest-tags.
    • Deletion of transferred record is not allowed.
    • Deletion of single or multiple job-cards created from Harvest-tag is not allowed.
    • Setting Harvest-tag "Transferred" to No from Yes is not allowed.
    • Harvest-tags that were transferred to Job-cards cannot be modified.
    • User can only use the "Reverse Transfer to Job Cards" to delete Job-cards and set the Harvest-tag’s Transferred to No.
    • Import that will overwrite transferred Harvest-tag is rejected.
    • Handling Unidentified Employees during import:
      • Added a comment field to the Harvest tag.
      • The import procedure identifies the Unidentified employees by the Employee’s Code or the Export Identifier.
      • If identified, the identification is recorded in the Harvest-tag’s Comment and in the Audit Trail.
      • If Unidentified employee is identified on the screen. The identification is recorded in the Harvest-tag’s Comment and in the Audit Trail.
    • When Harvest tag is duplicated the "Transferred" is set to No
  • Map report: facilitated creating map of time-outs or piece-outs without time-ins.
  • Importing Input records like Time-cards or Harvest-tags: Reject imported records that are already included in the database whose update time is earlier than the database record.
  • "View Work Orders": Added "Refresh Frequency" to the Selection and the screen.
PET Windows Version 76.63
  • Transfer to Job Cards: Setup records are loaded during transfer: Jobs and Fields from Piece-outs along with Time-Ins are pre-loaded.
  • Preference Screen: Re-arranged the Backup preferences tab
  • Handling the Audit Trail:
    • Created a procedure that removes audit trail records. The procedure uses the preferences below. It first exports the records to be removed to a CSV file and then removes them from the database. The CSV files can be used to access audit trail records that was removed from the database.
    • Added new Audit Preferences:
      • "Maximum Retention of Audit [Days]": Defines how many days the audit trail is kept in the database. If it is less than 7, the Real-time service runs the procedure every day. If it is more than 7, the service runs every Sunday and clears remove the records once a week.
      • "Old Audit Folder": Defines the folder where audit trail record that were removed from the database are kept in a csv file format.
      • "Number of Days to Retain Old Audit Files". It determines when the files are removed from the "Old Audit Folder".
    • Added to the Real-time service a procedure to Export and Clear Audit: If the preference is more than 7, the service runs every Sunday and clears records one week at a time
    • Added a new menu option "Administration > Audit Trail > Export and Clear Audit" to run the procedure on demand.
  • The preference "Time Decimal accuracy" is used in the "Summary Section" of the "View Job Cards" and "Transfer to Job Cards" screens.
  • "View Time Cards": Added "Refresh Frequency" to the Selection and the screen.
  • "View Harvest Tags": Added "Refresh Frequency" to the Selection and the screen.
  • Added Pallet stage help messages.
  • Corrected missing Harvest-Tag’s Gap Job-cards when transferring Harvest-Tags of multiple employees.
PET Windows Version 76.62 [01/13/2025]
  • Work-order
    • Added a new preference: "Work Order with Required-Units Allowed on multiple devices".
      • When set to No:
        • A Work-order with Required-units can only be assigned to a single executing device.
        • When importing a Piece-out of a work-order, the number of pieces are added to the Executed Units of the Work-order and the Executed Units are exported to the Planning Devices only.
      • When set to Yes:
        • A Work-order with Required-units can assigned to multiple executing devices.
        • When importing a Piece-out of a work-order, the Work-order’s Executed-units of all its Piece-outs are recalculated and exported to all the devices (Planning and Executed).
    • Do not duplicate Executed Units in Work-order.
    • Work-order import:
      • Corrected import of the "Start Date" and "Start Time" fields from Android PET.
      • When work-order is started on multiple devices, do not import a later "Start Time".
      • When multiple files with Piece-outs are imported together, the Work-order may be updated multiple times. Use the last Piece-count to export the "Executed-units".
      • Update Work-order "Author" and "Update Time" when updating Executed Units
  • Corrected an error of removing a record from Recycle bin when adding a similar record again.
  • Harvest Tag Screen:
    • Set Start and End date to now when adding a new record.
    • Cleared the Unidentified employees grid's size and order in preferences.
    • Increased the width of the "Unidentified Employees Grid".
    • Corrected check for Module (Check for Work-order instead of Pallet).
  • Scan device screen: Do not show email tab when Email module is not included.
  • Corrected "Pallet tag" Preferences Help Context Ids.
  • Do not close all open forms when starting import from scan-devices (Import from Internet and Import from Single-folder do not close open forms).
  • Update lookup item of a grid when its name changed when its record was zoomed in the screens
    • View Time-Cards,
    • Job-Cards,
    • Work-Orders,
    • Pallets,
    • Transfer to Job-cards,
    • Export to Accounting.
  • View screens of items that are imported in the background: when the grid is refreshed, the lookup items are refreshed too.
PET Windows Version 76.61 [01/02/2025]
  • Corrected an error in database-update from version 76.52
  • Added help context id for 'Tier Schedule Hourly Piece Incentive Bonus'.
  • Break Penalty: Late break is not considered. Treated as Missing break.
  • Job-Card Report Selection and Filter Selection: Excluding columns from grid tables that their module is not included in the program configuration.
  • View Work-order selection: Removed the columns of Grid-Author, Grid-Update-time, and Grid-Line-Number.
  • Updated the captions for Job-Card Shift grid and Work-order Required Package-sizes grid
  • Updated the Copyright year to 2025
  • Penalty rule: Required Net Hours and Penalty Job can be left empty
  • Work-order: Changes in export back to devices after import
  • Penalty rule: Facilitating the definition of No Penalty Rule to handle conditions where there is no penalty for having no breaks.
    • The Penalty rule items of "Required Net Hours" and "Penalty Job" are left empty.
  • Work-order
    • Imported Work-orders are export back to devices ONLY if one of the following items has changed:
      • Assigned Date,
      • Ranch,
      • Field,
      • Job,
      • Job Group,
      • Crew,
      • Required Units,
      • Comment,
      • Start Time,
      • Completion Time,
      • Voided.
    • Added information about exported Work-orders to the import log.
PET Windows Version 76.60 [12/26/2024]
  • Corrected unhandled exception in Employee Bonus and Crew Bonus.
  • Multi New Cards screen: Modified the scripts to include the dates range and definition of the Time-cards or Job-cards.
  • Work Order Module:
    • View Work-orders: Added to the selection filter the Author and the Update-time.
    • When a completed Work-order is imported, the program is exporting to the Execute or Plan device the record with the Completed item instead of sending the delete record.
  • In "Transfer to Job Cards" have all the Total Descriptions of both transferred Time-cards and resulting Job-cards outside the tabs in one Section.
  • In View Screens removed columns of items that are module dependent when the modules are not part of the program configuration.
  • Work-orders exported to Scan-devices include the "Executed Units". When the Work-order is executed by more than one device the "Executed Units" include the pieces from all the devices. This facilitates stopping the work when the number of "Executed Units" reaches the number of "Required Units".
PET Windows Version 76.59 [12/17/2024]
  1. Adding the option of selecting different Jobs based on the Field's State when assigning automatic breaks.
  2. Harvest Tag Module:
    • Seting the title of the Adding Lunch Card screen to match the menu option.
    • In Transfer to Job Cards including in a Gap error message the references of the two surrounding Harvest-tags.
  3. Corrected the Empty database procedure [Regression from 76.57]
  4. Meal Penalty:
    • Adjusting the interpretation of the start and end time of the penalty record.
    • Allowing early meal break.
    • Counting the break overlapping a border only once (Eg: Penalty after 5, Meal duration from 4:45 to 5:15)
    • In the Meal Penalty Job-card description differentiating between missing meal and a late meal.
    • First missing meal can be waived only if worked less than 6 hours.
    • Second missing meal can be waived only if worked less than 12 hours and had first meal (even if waived).
  5. Break Penalty
    • Do not allow back-to-back breaks at the edge of a defined period. [Eg: Break from 05:50 to 06:00 and 06:00 to 06:10 when breaks are required before 6 and after 6]
    • Corrected early return from Break.
  6. Work orders:
    • Modified the handling of changes of a work-order transmission to planning devices - Work-order will be exported to any planning device assigned to the Crew.
    • Added Audit Trail for "Start Time".
    • View Time-cards: Corrected error in when Break-Job and Break-Job group preferences are empty or Meal-Job and Meal-job group are empty.
  7. Employee Screen: Setting Employee Hire-date as Today when duplicating an Employee without Hire-date and preference 'Set Hire-date' is Yes
PET Windows Version 76.58 [12/10/2024]
  1. Harvest tag Module:
    • Added "Includes Break" column.
    • Job Card Screen: Corrected typos
    • Corrected the generation of Gap job-card when the previous Harvest-tag has a break.
    • Modified the Job-card "Computation Description" of Gap to include both previous and next harvest tag references.
    • Added the Gap’s Job-card a reference to the previous Harvest-tag.
PET Windows Version 76.57 [12/05/2024]
  1. Employee Screen when scanning a Driver License magnetic Script, treating the Name suffix as Middle name.
  2. Harvest Tag Module:
    1. Added a preference "Create Job-cards for Harvest Tag Gaps".
    2. Harvest Tag Screen: Added "Includes Break" item.
    3. Transfer to Job Cards Screen: Added menu item "Add Lunch Cards".
    4. Add Meal grid to Harvest Tag grid screen
  3. Speeded up the procedure of Emptying the database
  4. Program Configuration Screen changes:
    1. Show at least one user logged-in when only SU user is logged-in (SU user is not counted towards Client count)
    2. Renamed 'Number of Users' to 'User record Limit'
    3. Renamed 'Number of Clients' to 'Logged in Users'
  5. Renamed 'Number of Personal Devices' to 'Personal Devices' similar to Scan Devices
    1. Moved items around to keep limits together
    2. User record limit shows N/A instead of 0 if there is no limit on number of users
    3. Corrected number of databases used.
  6. Corrected zooming to Employee from Input screens.
  7. Corrected import of Alias Sets.
  8. Meal and Break Penalty: multiple changes.
  9. Corrected duplicate record check on Work-order screen.
  10. Work Order: Verify validity Job and Field combination based on Field’s Crop and the Job’s Allowed Crop grid.
  11. Add Help Message for
    1. Penalty Rule screen
    2. Penalty preferences
    3. Penalty items on Department screen
  12. Use Meal color for Job in Meal Job group
    1. Job Card grid
    2. Time Card grid
PET Windows Version 76.56 [11/27/2024]
  1. Work Order:
    1. Added Voided status
    2. Creation Mode
      1. Verifying that only fields with crops included in the job grid are allowed.
      2. Corrected invalid error message when exporting modified existing Work orders to the executing scan devices.
      3. When exporting with Lookups a Work-order for an entire Ranch, exporting all the Fields of the Ranch
      4. Set "Exported" to False after duplicating a record.
  2. Removed unused preference: Scan >> Windows Scan Screens >> "Use Carry over in Scan Screens".(PET in Scan Mode uses the preference: Pocket >> "Use Carry over in Time In")
  3. Added back the preferences "Break Job group" and" Meal Job group".
  4. Meal and Break Penalty:
    1. Meal Job group in Department record is not used. Any existing values in this field are ignored.
    2. Removed Job group from penalty rule record
    3. Correct crash when Time-card reference is not in a standard format
PET Windows Version 76.55 [11/13/2024]
  1. Added Penalty Rule Screen:
    It defines the parameters governing the required meals or breaks and the penalty Job-card when violated. They facilitate assigning penalty when there is no Job-card record of required break or meal or when they were late or too short.
  2. Scan device screen: Added more space to Job group grid.
  3. Added the web-mail server address in About box, Orange Support Email, and in Status bar
  4. Time-Sheet Confirmation: Exporting Time-cards that are multi-added, multi-edited, multi-deleted, multi-restored to devices that includer Time-sheet confirmation.
  5. When Computing Non-labor as Average: Do not include the same job in the average calculation (issue when multiple job-cards of the same job exist in the same period)
  6. Corrected meal-penalty calculation when Idle-time considers Previous Job is set to Yes
PET Windows Version 76.54 [11/06/2024]
  1. Work Order Module:
    1. View Work Orders Screen: corrected display of columns of predefined values, like "Status".
    2. Resized the Work Order screen heigh to minimize empty space when controls are hidden.
  2. In Export to Scan Devices, including the "Time-sheet confirmation Job" without the user having to include it in the Scan device scree’s n Job grid.
  3. Moved the to the foreground the confirmation messages of Exporting to Scan Device and Exporting to Personal devices.
PET Windows Version 76.53 [11/01/2024]
  1. Added an option of encrypted connection to the SQL database.
  2. Remove command-line argument: DoNotAutoCompressBackup
  3. oeDevices.dll (Communicates with HandPunch and FingerTec) is frozen.
  4. Work Order Consideration in Transfer to Job-cards of Piece-out Records. When the preference "Distribute Pieces whole day" is Yes, the procedure assigns the pieces to the Job-cards of their work-orders.
  5. In Reports that rely on program generated procedures, added the option of generating a Dataset from CSV file stored in the Report Folder.
PET Windows Version 76.52 [10/23/2024]
  1. Work-order module:
    1. Scan Device Preference "Work Order Type" Removed the option of "Execute-only".
    2. The item Reference is Read only.
    3. Imported work-order is not exported back to the device that created.
  2. Scan Device Screen:
    1. Adjusted its size.
    2. Corrected scrolling of the Preferences tab.
  3. Meal Penalty Preferences
    1. "Required Meal Start [Hours]": Changed from Gross hours to Net (Work) Hours, its name now is "Required Meal Start [Net Hours]":
    2. "Minimum Gross for Required Meal [Hours]": Changed from Gross hours to Net (Work) Hours, its name now is "Minimum Net for Required Meal [Hours]":
  4. Employee Time-sheet Confirmation: Exporting to devices that include the Time Sheet Confirmation Screen Time-cards that were added or modified in this and previous pay periods.
PET Windows Version 76.51 [10/17/2024]
  1. When adding a new Piece Removal record the date is set to now.
  2. Improved the Image viewer activated with the Zoom button that is used with the image of the Time-Sheet confirmation screen.
  3. Added new H2A fields to the Employee record: H2A Personal ID, H2A Voter ID, H2A Voter ID Expiration
  4. Scan Device Screen: Added the missing "Sync Folder Location" [Regression from 76.48]
PET Windows Version 76.50 [10/14/2024]
  1. When an employee has a Personal Device and has the option of confirming his weekly time sheets: When a Time-card is created on the server, it is exported to the personal device.
  2. Verified that the Time Sheet Confirmation preferences are included in the Time-Sheet Tab of the Preferences.
PET Windows Version 76.49 [10/11/2024]
  1. Modified export to DataTech to include regular hours when the Job's Payment Type is Time & Piece with Hourly Rate of 0 No pieces and Minimum wage is checked by DataTech.
PET Windows Version 76.48 [10/10/2024]
  1. Added to the Scan Device screen the preference "Dashboard Notification". It facilitates having multiple dash boards each one tailored specifically to a scan device.
  2. Corrected help messages of
    • Employee Selection
    • Pallet
    • Piece Removal
    • Verification
  3. Weekly Time Sheet confirmation:
    • Required Modules: Both "Signature" and "Time card Questions" modules.
    • Defined when the Time-Sheet tab of the preferences is included.
  4. Verifying that when creating a new record by duplication the name of the source is included in the new record.
  5. Corrected Auto generated meal break-cards when "Allow Piece-outs during Idle-time" set to "Yes".
PET Windows Version 76.47 [10/03/2024]
  1. Archive data:
    • Handling case when reading count of records to be deleted causes time-out
    • Ignoring Transfer to Job-cards of Time-cards [All Time-Cards up to selected date are archived]
    • Ignoring Export to Payroll by default
  2. Changing the confirmation dialog of the completion of the Transfer to Job Cards.
  3. Add a View screen for Piece Removal records.
PET Windows Version 76.46 [09/23/2024]
  1. Job Group Screen:
    • Corrected the action of the Job Grid ‘s buttons "Copy to" and "Copy from".
    • Corrected Duplicate Job-group
  2. Added a Zoom button to Image items.
  3. Exporting first-day of week preference to Scan devices to allow showing last weeks data in Time-sheet confirmation [Different Week-starts from Department are not supported]
  4. Picture control context-menu: Show items based on image availability.
PET Windows Version 76.45 [09/20/2024]
  1. Handling Images:
    • Added an image viewer that is used to open an image item in a separate screen and increase it. Below the image a "Zoom" button is added.
    • images from picture control are saved as Jpeg instead of Bmp.
  2. To the procedure that verifies Database structure added a check for computed column's definition
  3. Piece-removal module:
    • Corrected default value [Using Record Creation time instead of Table creation time].
    • Corrected Date-Time import.
    • Added a new preference: "Allow Different Location of Time-in and Piece-out". When set to Yes it facilitates having Ranch and field in Time in different than Ranch and Field at Piece-out so the user can record both the location where the crop was grown and where it was packed.
  4. Time Sheet Confirmation: added exporting user modified Time-card records to the origin Scan Device so the confirmation screen will be accurate.
  5. Corrected the User screen [Regression from 76.42]
PET Windows Version 76.44 [09/04/2024]
  1. Time Sheet Confirmation:
    • Corrected export of Time Sheet Confirmation Question to scan devices.
    • Include the Time Card questions in the Signature screen.
    • Corrected assignment of meal in time-sheet when the grid contents are processed in ascending order of Hours.
  2. Preference "Weekly Overtime Start after Rule Consider Regular Hours Only":
    • This is the new name of the preference "Weekly Overtime - Consider Regular Hours Only".
    • Update help hint.
    • Can be modified only by an SU user.
  3. Time Sheet "Reconcile": Modified the range of the selected Time-cards in the "Reconcile" screen
    • The Start Time: "Start-time" of "Time-sheet" minus the preference "Typical job-length".
    • The End Time:
      • If the Time-sheet has an End-time: "End-time" of the "Time-sheet" plus the preference "Typical job-length".
      • If the Time-sheet does not have an End-time: "Start Time + preference "Maximum Working Period".
  4. Corrected filtering of records by Fixed lookups: For example Job Payment Type, Scan-Device Device-type, etc.
PET Windows Version 76.43 [08/27/2024]
  1. Payroll Export Format DataTech 7: Corrected Export of Each Job separately when the Preference "Use Whole Pieces" is "Yes" and "Distribute Crew Pieces" is by "Net-Time" or "Equally to All".
  2. Payroll Export Format CompuTech 3:
    • Overtime premium amount is exported in a separate line.
    • Use regular piece earning code when exporting Pieces.
    • Minimum Wage Underpayment export is not allowed.
  3. Payroll Export Format CenterPoint 3:
    • Added a method of exporting Bonus Job-cards
    • Modified the method of exporting Non-Labor by adding the Start and Time.
  4. New Setup Export Format Oracle 3
  5. Importing customer data: Corrected import of Department Export and Import formats
  6. Corrected Database update when opening an archived database.
PET Windows Version 76.42 [08/16/2024]
  1. Time Sheet Signature Confirmation: Added a New Pocket alias: "Menu: Time Sheet Confirmation".
  2. Work-orders: The Transfer to Job Cards procedure copies the work-order from previous job-cards
  3. Payroll Export Formats:
    • Famous: When exporting Job-cards of Time and Piece Payment-type with Hourly Rate of 0 with a single overtime shift, it creates a single line that with the hours and pieces with the Earning Code of the Overtime Piece.
    • DataTech (1,2,3,4,5, and 7), ADP9: Corrected the way Job-cards with multiple piece-types (The Job-card's Job is of Payment-type "Determined by Job End")
  4. Maps with "Coordinates-Source" of "Field" corrected unhandled exception.
  5. Corrected the Job-card "Piece-grid" and "Calculation-description" when the preference "Distribute Individual Whole Pieces" is set to Yes.
PET Windows Version 76.41 [08/07/2024]
  1. Harvest Tag:
    • Changed the data structure for the "Harvest Tag Exceptions" report.
    • Sending a single line for a combination of Harvest tags (overlap or gap) and employee.
    • Show the report when using "Display Exception report" button on "Harvest Tag Transfer to Job Cards" and "View" screens.
    • Transfer to Job Cards Screen: When the users clicks on an line in the "Exception Section", the corresponding Harvest tag is selected in the "Harvest Tag" Section.
  2. Time sheet with Signature preferences:
    • Added new tab and moved preferences from Time card tab.
    • Added new Preferences
      • Time Sheet Confirmation Job
      • Time Sheet Confirmation Question Set
    • Corrected Notification on question response: When no "Required Response" is defined, no notifications are sent.
  3. Employee Export to Accounting review grid: Added a "Hire-date" column.
  4. Removed the requirement to restart program when Payroll Export format is changed.
  5. When deleting a Job Card, the program will delete the Piece grid before Job-card.
  6. Corrected real-time import when database has Personal Devices and no Internal Web-mail settings.
PET Windows Version 76.40 [07/30/24]
  1. Harvest tag preferences: Remove unused preference 'Use Field Sections'
  2. Onboarding: Do not export Employee Hire-date (Revert of change from 76.35)
  3. Harvest Tag:
    • Changed the data structure for the "Harvest Tag Exceptions" report.
    • Sending a single line for a combination of Harvest tags (overlap or gap) and employee.
    • Show the report when using "Display Exception report" button on "Harvest Tag Transfer to Job Cards" and "View" screens.
    • Transfer to Job Cards Screen: When the users clicks on an line in the "Exception Section", the corresponding Harvest tag is selected in the "Harvest Tag" Section.
  4. Time sheet with Signature preferences:
    • Added new tab and moved preferences from Time card tab.
    • Added new Preferences
      • Time Sheet Confirmation Job
      • Time Sheet Confirmation Question Set
  5. Corrected Notification on question response: When no "Required Response" is defined, no notifications are sent.
  6. Employee Export to Accounting review grid: Added a "Hire-date" column.
  7. Removed the requirement to restart program when Payroll Export format is changed.
  8. When deleting a Job Card, the program will delete the Piece grid before Job-card.
  9. Corrected real-time import when database has Personal Devices and no Internal Web-mail settings.
PET Windows Version 76.39 [07/29/2024]
  1. Web-mail: Changes to increase the transmission rate.
  2. Increased the default maximum size of transmission to 30 MB (Up from 3MB)
  3. Facilitated using Rest protocol on the server.
  4. Preference 'Activate All Items in Scan Mode': Default changed to Yes
  5. Changed the default of the Global Preference "Activate All Items in Scan Mode" to Yes.
  6. Added the Web-mail Address to the bottom Status bar, the About screen and logs sent to Orange.
  7. Alias Set screen: Correct selecting color when grid is filtered
  8. Seso1: Payroll Export Format: Modifying the handling of Minimum Wage Underpayment.
  9. Employee screen: When the Personal Devices are not included in the configuration changes that affect a personal device do not trigger personal device questions.
  10. Help > Record Counts Screen: Added record counts for records that are included based on the Module configuration.
    • Signature records
    • Non-labor records
    • Piece-out records
    • Add Reusable badges records
    • Personal devices records
PET Windows Version 76.38 [07/22/2024]
  1. Added Icons to Kiosk buttons:
  2. Two sets of icons are available: Set 1 and Set 2.
  3. The selected buttons are controlled by the preference: "Kiosk Buttons Icon Set": Options: None (default), Set 1, Set 2.
  4. Determined by End Crew Piece-out: Change the description for Supervisor and Harvester job-cards on how the rate is computed
  5. Alias Set screen: Corrected adding and Duplicating record.
PET Windows Version 76.37 [07/19/2024]
  1. Field QR Report:
    • Added to the preference "Included Sections" options East, East Middle, Middle, North, North Middle, South, South Middle, West, West Middle.
    • Removed hyphen from the sections' name made of two words like North Middle.
  2. Payroll Export Format Oracle 3 exporting a space instead of empty string when no value exist for a required column
PET Windows Version 76.36 [07/17/2024]
  1. Corrected export to Scan Devices crash during when its Pocket Alias Set is missing.
  2. Corrected Export to Payroll of Overtime Premium Rate when the shifts length is very short.
  3. CompuTech 3 Export: Handling export of Regular shift of Job of Payment-type "Time & Piece" with Hourly-rate of 0 the same way a Job with Payment-type of "Piece" is exported.
  4. Handling the scenario where the first job of the day is the job of the preference "Determined by End Job for Crew Piece-out"
    • The created Job Card of the crew members uses the last Time-in before the Crew Piece-out instead of the first Time-in of the day to facilitate change of field or job.
    • The Hourly-rate of the crew members is the highest between the average hourly rate and the minimum hourly rate.
    • The Hourly-rate of the Crew Supervisor is the Hourly-rate of the crew members plus the Supervisor's Job's Premium
PET Windows Version 76.35 [07/10/2024]
  1. Corrected an error that did not extend a work day when two back to back job-cards were in two different work weeks.
  2. Added a new preference: "Export to Scan Device Early (Interval in Days)". It facilitates exporting Employees with future Hire-date.
  3. Changes to Payroll Export format CenterPoint 3:
    • Added a new preference "CenterPoint Premium Shift Export Identifier".
    • Earning code of Regular line is the Job's Export Identifier.
    • Earning code of premium line is the value of the preference "CenterPoint Premium Shift Export Identifier".
    • The format does not handle underpayment.
  4. Corrected an error that modified the last hire-date to date when the Onboarding file was imported instead of keeping the date when the employee was recorded in the Onboarding App.
  5. Added to the Log file error messages when the same file was imported multiple times.
  6. Updated the aliases of the Verification Out of Schedule error messages.
  7. Verification Module: Changed default messages for out of schedule errors Aliases.
  8. Alias Set screen: Add the option of searching for an Alias item by the its name.
PET Windows Version 76.34 [06/29/2024]
  1. Payroll Export Format CenterPoint 3: Replaced the value in the Earning code with Job's Export Identifier.
PET Windows Version 76.33 [6/26/2024]
  1. Field QR Harvest Tag report: Added a Report Parameter: "QR Format" Options: QR_CODE and DATA_MATRIX.
  2. Employee QR Sticker report:
    • Added a Report Parameter: "QR Format" Options: QR_CODE and DATA_MATRIX.
    • Added a Report Parameter: "Use Barcode" to determine if the QR is the Employee's Barcode or Export Identifier.
  3. Added Piece Removal alias.
  4. Work-orders: When imported and crew change the program sends to the devices, the old crew delete before it sends new crew update.
  5. When the preference "Hourly Rate Base of Overtime and Doubletime" is Weekly Average Job-cards with Jobs of "Payment-type" is "Piece" are rejected and the Job-card's Calculation Description includes an error that average will not be used. The user must use "Payment-type" of "Time & Piece".
PET Windows Version 76.32 [06/22/2024]
  1. Corrected export to accounting that added quote marks to formats with predefined column width.
  2. Replaced the QR font of the Field QR Harvest Tag with DataMatrix font.
PET Windows Version 76.31 [06/20/2024]
  1. Added a new module Piece Removal: The module facilitates
    • Tracking removal of cases with Traceability barcode stickers from inventory.
    • Tracking current inventory.
  2. Employee Time Sheet Screen:
    • The Reconcile procedure does not consider length of lines with Jobs of Payment-type of Data Tracking or Non-Labor.
    • Adjusting Time In of the next job card when the previous Time Out was adjusted during reconciliation so overlapping job-cards are not created.
  3. Do not set Barcode and Export Identifier for generated lookups when importing customer data.
  4. Improved navigation in Real Time Dashboard by adding links from the summary section to the detail sections.
  5. Preventing import of duplicate files from scan devices:
    • Duplicate files are moved to Import.Old\Month\Duplicates folder.
    • The check is performed on import from the internet either from the menu or by the real-time service. It is not performed for import from a folder.
    • The log file includes the duplicated imported files.
PET Windows Version 76.30 [06/05/2024]
  1. Use the Employee Export Identifier instead of the Barcode in the Employee QR Label Report
PET Windows Version 76.29 [05/31/2024]
  1. Corrected export to personal devices twice.
  2. Added a new payroll export format Oracle 3
PET Windows Version 76.28 [05/30/2024]
  1. Add Help to Preferences >> Job >> Accruals by Department
  2. Real-time Export to Personal devices:
    • Including the Web-Address in the file name and using it to verify that the file is being sent to the correct personal device.
    • Sending the setup data separately to make a gap between each export.
    • Do not process pending files when exporting to personal devices with real-time
  3. Harvest Tag Module:
    • View Harvest Tags: Added Multi-Edit.
    • Added Harvest Tag Preferences that includes
      • Field Area Measurement Item.
      • Daily Area Measurement Item.
  4. Corrected Filtering by Yes No values.
PET Windows Version 76.27 [05/24/2024]
  1. Generated job-card during Time-in reports: Use Last piece-out as end time instead of Current time of a job-card
  2. Reports Job Card Time Sheet by Job, Field: Handle Gaps in Job-cards as meals when preference 'Use Automatic break' is Yes and Employee Times-out and Times-in for a meal.
PET Windows Version 76.26 [05/20/2024]
  1. New Module: Schedule Module.
    • Used to assign a schedule to the employee and verify that the employees work accordingly.
    • Requires the Verification Module also.
    • New record
      • Shift: includes: Name, Start Time and End Time.
      • Schedule: Includes: Name, Shift, Ranch, Field, Job, Work days.
    • Changes in exiting records
      • Employee: Added: Schedule.
      • Verification: Added: Out of Shift, Out of Schedule, Out of Field, Out of Job.
  2. Exporting Offered Hours to Famous: Employee's Requires Offered Hours item is only considered for H2A employee
  3. Corrected distribution of pieces between shifts in some cases when using Distribute Individual Whole Pieces
  4. Measurement:
    • Removed adding unneeded columns Active and Department in new databases.
    • Add a Picture column (Requires Picture verification module)
  5. Harvest Tag Screen: Removed the Transfer button.
  6. Archiving database: Resolving the error that did not archived all the audit records of a large Audit file.
PET Windows Version 76.25 [05/03/2024]
  1. Time-sheet: When reconciling, excluding Non-labor hours and units when computing the last time for considering the included time-ins.
  2. Dashboard: Facilitating the usage of Maps in the notification used for defining the dashboard.
PET Windows Version 76.24 [04/29/2024]
  1. Added the method of creating Real Time Dashboard:
    • It is a report or a map that are kept updated by the real time service.
    • It requires the "Real Time Dashboard" Module.
    • It is defined by
      • Creating a Script of the dashboard report or map.
      • Creating a Notification that uses the Script and which its Report Format is Web Dashboard.
      • Entering the script name to the preference "Dashboard Notification".
  2. Onboarding: Added a new preference "Export Employee after Signing Government Forms" (Default: Yes).
PET Windows Version 76.23 [04/24/2024]
  1. Added device alias: Menu: Net Time sheet
  2. Enhanced Export the Famous handling of Exporting Differential Shifts as Premium:
    • Differential shifts are separated from non-differential shifts.
    • Differential shifts use differential Earning Codes.
  3. Handling the Foreman payment when his crew's job is "Determined by Crew Piece-out Job":
    • Creating a separate Job-card for Supervisor (Job Payment-type: Premium) also when Crew has a Crew-piece-out record.
    • Foreman Job-card's hourly-rate is Harvester-rate + Premium if Harvester's hourly rate is more than Foreman's Hourly rate
    • Foreman Job-card's hourly-rate is Foreman-rate if Harvester's hourly rate is less than Foreman's Hourly rate.
    • Foreman is assigned a new Job-card when harvesters move from a Piece-job to a time-job.
    • When the crew transitions from a time-job to a piece-job, Foreman will have to create a new Time-in for himself.
    • Foreman has to use a non-premium job if the Crew did not do any "Determined by Crew piece-out job "during the day.
    • Do not create an auto-time if another Time-in exists at the same time (E.g.: Switching to another job)
    • Create Time-ins at Crew piece-out time when an employee works in "Determined by Crew piece-out job" at any time in the day (Previously only worked if first Time-in of the day)
PET Windows Version 76.22 [04/19/2024]
  1. Harvest tag:
    • Corrected the Field QR Report (Requires Reports version 76.08).
    • Corrected importing of Date-time fields of Harvest tag records.
    • Reduced the size of unidentified employee column in Harvest tag grid.
    • Increased the size of Employee lookup in the Assign Employee popup.
    • Importing customer data: Added new options to import Barcodes and Export identifiers.
PET Windows Version 76.21 [04/11/2024]
  1. Payroll Export Formats ADP 8, 8.1: They Do not export job-cards with 0 amount.
  2. Add Pocket Alias for "Harvest tag".
  3. Meal Penalty: Corrected multiple meal penalties per day when using job-cards without time-cards.
  4. Work-orders:
    • When Importing a file: The "Completed" is not changed from Yes to No is the work-order has a "Completion Date" regarding of the source of the file (Scan Device or Import file).
    • When a Reference is changed, send a delete message with old reference and new work-order with updated reference to the devices.
    • When editing a Completed work-order do not export to devices
    • Do not export imported work-orders to devices that created them
  5. On View Screens of Work-order and Pallets: Show selection description and record count.
PET Windows Version 76.20 [04/09/2024]
  1. Payroll Export to Famous: When exporting Premium Separately use all differential earning codes in different lines (Regular, Overtime, Double-time).
  2. Department Records: Added all the Meal Penalty items to facilitate using different meal penalty rules.
  3. When duplicating a Setup Item the program does not clear the record's name.
  4. Job-card's Piece grid: Use the rate from Employee Job-rate grid.
  5. Crew record: Added a new item "Piece Jobs Only require Break Preparation", It facilitates adding break preparation job-card only if the Job before the Break is of Piece Payment Type.
  6. Work-order: preventing setting completed work-order as not-completed or voided when importing work-order record.
PET Windows Version 76.19 [04/01/2024]
  1. Added the help message for the preference "Export Premium Hours Separately".
  2. Famous Payroll Export Format: Corrected the Hourly Rate of the Regular Differential Shift.
  3. Time-sheet Transfer that includes reconciliation: Corrected the handling of gap in job-cards when the meal is between a job-change.
PET Windows Version 76.18 [03/29/2024]
  1. Added a new Payroll Export Format: WAMS 1
PET Windows Version 76.17 [03/27/2024]
  1. Export to Onboarding: Correct export of Business Contact user and Business State Preferences.
  2. Meal Penalty, and Short meal Penalty: When adding on Transfer to Job Cards consider meal breaks that are part of Job-cards.
  3. Sick leave accrual: Correct the handling of the Preference "Group Accrual by Department": When it is "No" all the work hours in all the departments are considered.
  4. Added a new procedure to facilitate using the "Crew Piece Out" records to determine the Job-card's Job (Instead of the Time-in's Job).
    • Added a new Preference "Determined by Crew Piece-out Job". It is a Job of "Payment Type" "Determined by Job End
    • The Field Procedure is
      • The work day starts by creating Time-in of all the crew members with the Job of "Determined by Crew Piece-out Job".
      • Each time productivity changes a Crew-piece-out with the pack type job and the number of pieces is created.
PET Windows Version 76.16 [03/26/2024]
  1. View Time-cards screen: Corrected the carry over of the employee when selecting the option of "Add Time-in" or "Add Time-out" [Regression from 76.13].
  2. Payroll Export Formats of Famous: Handling 'Export Premium Hours Separately' preference of differential shifts.
PET Windows Version 76.15 [03/25/2024]
  1. Export to Payroll ADP 18 Format: Changed the order of the contents of the column "Temp Cost Name" to Job Export Identifier -Field Export Identifier.
  2. Changes regarding the preference "Export Premium Separately
  3. Change caption to 'Export Premium Hours Separately'
  4. Added the option to "Department" record.
  5. Removed the preference "DataTech Separate Premium Line". This preference is used for both Famous and DataTech.
  6. Database update to move preference DataTech Separate Premium Line to Export Premium Hours Separately
PET Windows Version 76.14 [03/20/2024]
  1. New Payroll Export Format ADP 18.
  2. Correct recalculation of an edited job-card on screen
PET Windows Version 76.13 [03/19/2024]
  1. Harvest Tag Screen:
    • Changed the way Unidentified employees are assigned.
    • Find Grids, View Grids: Move Date and Time Columns
    • Added to the Job Card record the Harvest tag id.
  2. Work-order to Invoice screen: raising an error when Customer record is missing.
  3. All Screens:
    • When a lookup item is read-only (The color is Aqua) it looks like a textboxes, yet zooming to the underlying record is enabled.
    • Multi-edit failure log: Corrected record name in failure messages.
    • Corrected the procedure of creating a new record by duplication: Clearing unique items associated only with the duplicated record.
  4. Added a new Payroll export format CenterPoint 3.
  5. The preference "Export Premium separately" is moved out of Famous export preferences section.
  6. Corrected missing job-cards with Strict Work-day and Strict Work-week
  7. Payroll Export Format ADP 17: corrected the text of the error message when the employee is missing the Export Identifier. Previously it was "object null exception".
  8. Bonus selection screen: Add help context ID for date filter.
  9. Employee Screen: Added Selection of Form Set on Onboarding when there are more than one forms set. It requires Onboarding App version 3.09 or higher.
PET Windows Version 76.12 [03/07/2024]
  1. Employee screen: Populate Middle name if exists in the scanned data.
  2. Harvest Module: Added Harvest Tag View grid.
  3. View Menu: If the screen includes grids include the grid items in the selection screen. Pallet,
  4. Needed Employees Dashboard: Added a link to close all detail sections.
  5. The Update program
    • Correct updating Office Attendance dlls from version earlier than 74.67 [Needs to be run a second time as first update will be done using the old version].
    • Modified the progress bar to show progress of the procedure including Code, Reports and Help
  6. Famous Export: For Time and Piece job, combining pieces into Time-line when piece-rate is 0 and Time earning code is the same as Piece earning code.
  7. Change the text of the Preference "Hourly Rate base of Overtime and Double time"
    • Daily Average (without Idle-time) -> Daily Average
    • Weekly Average (without Idle-time) -> Weekly Average
  8. Payment Type Idle-time (Rest and Recovery)
    • If the Job's Hourly Rate is greater than the calculated average rate, the program uses the Job's Hourly Rate.
    • If the Job's Guaranteed Rate is greater than the calculated average rate, the program uses the Job's Guaranteed Rate.
  9. Corrected import of name-change lines below is an example of change the name of Employee.
    F_Employee-NameChange,"John Doe","Doe, John"
PET Windows Version 76.11 [03/04/2024]
  1. Scanning Employee driver license: Corrected assignment of Gender after Non-binary was added.
  2. Bonus Items
    • Do not update rate on recalculate for Job cards with Rate-source set to User Overwrite when Job has a tier schedule
    • While calculating the bonus the procedure keeps updating the progress-bar.
    • Message box for opening the log file at completion appears only if there are failures.
  3. Shortcut screen: Removed the option of adding menu item directly to the grid.
  4. Added Audit Log for deleting grid rows.
  5. Harvest module: Added harvest Tag screen.
  6. Modified the Famous Export:
    • When the exporting premium hours separately (Preference "Export premium hours separately" is "As Units" or "As Hours")
    • For Jobs of Payment Type of "Time & Piece" and Piece Rate of 0 then
      • If the Jobs' earning code has a different code for Piece Rate Regular and overtime like "TR,PRATE,PREMIUM,PRATE", there will be a separate line for the pieces with Rate of 0.
      • If the Jobs' earning code has the same code for Hourly Rate Regular, Piece Rate Regular and Piece Rate Overtime like "TR,TR,PREMIUM,TR" there will be only two lines
        • The first line will have all the hours and all the pieces with the hourly rate.
        • The second line will have the hours with the premium rate.
PET Windows Version 76.10 [02/27/2024]
  1. Added a new bonus screen: "Tier Schedule Hourly Piece Incentive Bonus".
  2. Added new Help messages for the screen "Piece productivity hourly bonus".
  3. Corrected exception of the selection of the View Job Cards screen.
  4. Modified the preference "Famous Export Premium shifts separately". The options are
    • No: each shift line has its number of hours.
    • As Hours: Regular shift has all the hours the premium lines have the hours in the "Hours column".
    • As Units: Regular shift has all the hours the premium lines have the hours in the "Pieces column".
  5. Tier Schedule screen: the rate grid grows when the height of the screen grows.
  6. Limit check for Break Cards only to the day-start.
  7. Rephrase the exception message for generated Auto Meal and Auto Break cards based on Crew record.
PET Windows Version 76.09 [02/23/2024]
  1. Piece Productivity Hourly Bonus:
    • Starting with the last used configuration when reopening the screen.
    • Added the option of "Change Job-card's Hourly rate": When "Yes" the procedure updates the Hourly Rate of the Job-cards instead of creating new bonus Job-cards.
  2. Added help messages to
    • Ayco 1 Preferences
    • Job Screen - Look back period
    • Onboarding preferences - Reusable onboarding badges, Export Employee After Enrollment
PET Windows Version 76.08 [02/22/2024]
  1. Field screen:
    • Added new items
      • Number of Rows
      • Row Direction: Options
        • North-South
        • West-East
    • Added procedure to generate the new report data for "Field QR Harvest Tag"
  2. Corrected the procedure that handles the scenario where the user selects an existing file when exporting to an existing CSV file. When it occurs the message is "Field already exists. Append new data"
    • The options
      • Yes: Append,
      • No: Overwrite: If it fails, the export is cancelled.
      • Cancel: Cancels the export
  3. Import procedure:
    • Identifying the Personal device is also based on Web-mail address in import file.
    • Corrected the procedure to eliminate duplicate Time-outs from iOS devices.
  4. Added command line parameters to notify Orange when Duplicate Time-outs are detected.
  5. Corrected logs sent to Orange.
  6. Corrected usage of command line arguments.
PET Windows Version 76.07 [02/16/2024]
  1. New Employee Report: QR Sticker.
  2. Corrected report textbook parameter that expects integer input.
  3. Corrected saving Textbox parameters in Scripts.
  4. Facilitating using multiple Paid Break Jobs when they are recorded by Scan Devices.
PET Windows Version 76.06 [02/07/2024]
  1. Piece Productivity Hourly Bonus:
    • The Tier Schedule uses Percentile to rank employees instead of reversed percentile.
    • Includes only piece-payment jobs.
    • Added Crew, Field, Job, Work-date to log.
    • Considering the preference "Tier Schedule Piece Count Check type".
    • Corrected date grouping when the whole crew does not start and end at the same time.
    • Rounding productivity to 2 digits
    • All employees with the same productivity belong in the same group.
    • Changed grid column order.
    • Changed bonus description in job-card.
  2. Preferences "QR iOS Number of Pallets" and "QR Android Number of Pallets" can only be changed by Orange. Defaults changed to 15.
  3. Data from the Bonus grids can be copied and pasted to Excel Spread Sheets.
PET Windows Version 76.05 [02/01/2024]
  1. Preventing the stoppage of the Real-time service when SQL Server is inaccessible.
  2. Not showing "Copied x Files" when importing files with drag-and-drop.
  3. Removed the preference "Include Paid Break In Kiosk". The Paid Break is not shown when its Alias is "None".
  4. Export to Payroll Format Ayco 1:
    • Added the option of using advances to handle creating the payroll payments before the end of the period.
    • Added a Preference "Ayco 1 Advance Payment Job".
    • Added to the screen of "Export to Accounting": a menu item of "Add Advances".
    • When selected the user selects the last day of the advance and the program creates for each employee and advance Job-card for each day following the last work day of the included employees.
    • It create an advance Job-card with positive amount during the selected period and a refund Job-card on the first day after the pay period with a negative amount.
  5. Corrected adding bonus, non-labor, or extra-wages for Salaried employee that are paid overtime on days when
    • Overtime rule does not have overtime hours, - Employee is Salaried Daily
    • No other job-card exist for the day.
  6. Tier-schedule record: Confirm and allow saving records when rates are not in ascending order.
  7. Added a new Bonus "Piece-productivity Hourly bonus".
  8. Employee Permanent Badge assignment:
    • Including Update Time in Assignment grid.
    • Added audit in Temporary Badge record, and Employee record.
    • Reverse Badge assignment: added audit only in the temporary badge record.
  9. View item Screens: Rename the "Delete" menu options:
    • "All" became "Use Selection Screen".
    • "Selected" became "Currently Selected Records".
PET Windows Version 76.04 [01/22/2024]
  1. Handling duplicate Time-outs records created by error on Personal iOS device when employee needs to respond to end of day questions.
  2. Removed Transfer to Job Card notification types: User, Notification (Feature never implemented).
  3. Preventing crash when opening Time-Cards or Job-cards from Crew screen.
  4. Time-Card grid: separated the Date and the Time columns.
  5. Added Help messages
    • Round by Start Time and End Time (No means Daily Duration)
    • Round Job Change
    • Archived Import folder
    • Employee Bank account number
    • Employee Bank routing number
    • Manifest screen
  6. Corrected the gender assignment when entering Employee driver license by scanning.
PET Windows Version 76.03 [02/06/2024]
  1. Do not export to Scan Devices the preference of "Load Notification Email".
  2. Time In reports that convert the Time-ins to Job Cards like Piece productivity & Time In Crew Piece Average: Corrected selection by items that are not always included in Time-out – Ranch, Field, Job, Crew.
  3. Renamed Payroll Export Format like "ADP 1" to "ADP 01", to have Alphabetic sorting.
  4. Removing duplicate Time-out records.
PET Windows Version 76.02 [01/09/24]
  1. AgKnowledge 1 Payroll Export: Job-cards of Payment-Type Time and Piece whose hourly rate is not 0 are exported in two lines one for the pieces and the other for the time.
  2. Seso 1Paroll Export:
    • Bonus exported as Amount, Non-labor exported as Hours.
    • Corrected summary of Amount column.
    • Exporting Hours and Pieces in same line if hourly-rate is 0 (Paying by piece only in a Time and Piece Payment Type)
    • Non-labor and Bonus: Export unit-rate in rate column instead of Hours Offered
  3. View Pallet grid:
    • Include Update Time,
    • Added Export and Report menus when zoomed to a Pallet.
  4. Default Payroll Export Forma changed to None.
  5. Removed Export to Invoice and AgStar2023 in Payroll formats of Department.
  6. Added multi-select checkbox for preference.
  7. Real-time log:
    • Help >> Administration >> Open Real-time log,
    • Help >> About: Include last line of log file,
    • Last line included in log information Email to support.
PET Windows Version 76.01 [01/04/2024]
  1. Audit Report from a screen: In the title using Screen Name instead of Form Control Title.
  2. Job Card description: Add wage-order information if grouped by Wage-order for Daily or Weekly overtime.
  3. Hide the preference Import In Parallel when real-time module does not exist
  4. Scan Device screen: Facilitating handling of transferring identity of a non-functioning device to another. The "Register Device" menu is exposed to users with Export permissions. When used the mail-box for the device is deleted and new data exported again.
  5. New Payroll Export format: "AgKnowledge 1".
  6. New Payroll Export format: "Seso 1".
  7. When exporting to Payroll using the Job-card Piece Grid first for split piece by job. (Instead of using the Job-card description)
    • Affected formats Famous, DataTech, ADP9.
    • Added command line argument /UseDescriptionToSplitByPackageSize to use description in export to Payroll.
  8. Update copyright year to 2024
  9. Changes to handle notification from devices of Lunch Start and Time Cards
    • Added to the option of device notification to server notification.
    • New Preference "Server Notifies Other devices".
    • Scan Device record: Removed the preference "Server Notifies other devices on Meal Start" (Use global preference only)



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