Report Version 11.12
1. New Report Application Cost Overview by Block (Details)
Report Version 11.13 11/23/2011
1. Application DOT 5.0, Invoice DOT 3.1 Handling references to more than 10 records 11/18/11 SP
2. Application Cost Overview by Block (Details) 1.3 Adding a group of reference
3. Application All Data 7.5 Correction of an error that accumulated the supervisors when multiple records are selected
Report Version 11.11
1. Invoice Sales Ticket 2.6 adding the parameter include terms.
Report Version 11.09
1. Application All Data 7.4 Added the license number to the Supervisor.
2. Application Grouped By Material 5.8 Correction of overlap date range.
3. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 11.4 To active ingredient adding percent and material form.
4. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 11.5 Correction an error that did not display the correct tank amount.
Report Version 11.08
1. Invoice 10.3 Added Lot Number
Report Version 11.07
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 11. When application method symbol is "F" use the description
Report Version 11.06
1. Grape Thinning Report 3.2 Adding Show Expected parameter
Report Version 11.05
1. All yield projection reports correction for predicted yield per acre.
Report Version 11.04
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 11.2 When work order use PCA/QAC when PCA Recommendation use PCA
Report Version 11.03
1.Inventory Transactions 7.0 Retrieving the totals from the transferred items
Report Version 11.02
1. Arizona 1080, 5.9 Correct printer issues
2. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 11.3 Add proposed start time
Report Version 11.01
1. Material Link Report modifying to handle longer web links
Report Version 11.00
1. Update to version 11.00 of Tiger Jill.
2. Inventory Transactions 6.9 Correction of missing "Transfer From" transactions.
3. Block Harvest Summary Changed date format to mm/dd/yy
4. Washington Use Report 4.3. Add NOI Comment and Equipment license, If more than one block is in an application included all blocks in the report.
Report Version 10.22
1. Application Overview of Current Season 4.5 Showing the total cost even when the Harvest Module is not included
Report Version 10.21
1. Invoice DOT report 3.0 correction of run time error.
2. Invoice Breakdown by Customer 1.5 correction of a run time error.
Report Version 10.20
1. All reports are compatible with version 10.20
2. Inventory Transactions 6.7 Adding Lot Number and Sorting By Lot Number,
Report Version 10.07
1. Season Summary 2.9 Correction of Sort By Site ID
2. Arizona 1080 5.6 Only when a material is Arizona Restricted and the symbol of the Application Method is D the DAQ Soil Applied is set to Y SP 11/4/2010
Report Version 10.06
1.Invoice Analysis by Block or Owner 3.9 Moved items to the left
2.Harvest All Data 4.0, correction of Ticket misspelling
3.Harvest Summary 2.5 Adding the receiving station column
4.Federal WPS 5.9 Removing extra lines when the material is registered to more than one state.
Report Version 10.05 8/3/2010
1. Material Summary 2.1 Added Common Name.
Report Version 10.04
1. Application Overview 3.7 Verified that all materials and charges are included even when selected by site.
Report Version 10.03 5/12/2010
1. Inventory Transactions 6.6 Correcting an error that did not display the correct values when displaying to the screen.
Report Version 10.02
1.Application Irrigation By Water Source 2.3, Application Irrigation By Crop 2.2, Application Irrigation by Block 2.4 Correction of total calculation.
2.Operation Labels 3.0 Adding Country.
3.Added Operation Phone list report.
4.Added Person Phone list report.
5.Washington Use Report 3.9 added Wind Direction, Velocity and Air Temperature
6.Person Exposure by Material Family 3.5, Person Exposure by Material Family 3.5, Person Exposure Details 3.3, Person Exposure by Material 3.4 Correct omission of Materials,
7.Application Overview 3.6" Added a preference to sort by either date or reference
8. Block Yield Target 1.2 Added Sort by owner or BillTo
9. Block Season Validity 3.9 Adding actual yield and adding an option to sort by block or by bill to
10.Inventory Transactions 6.5/ Adding selection by material Type.
11.California Monthly 6.9 changed time to military time, Added identifier to reference when the parameter is set to show reference.
Report Version 10.00
Application Grouped By Material 5.5 Added selection by Material Inventory
Report Version 9.89 01/26/2010
Including the changes in Inventory Transaction parameters.
Report Version 9.88 01/26/2010
Inventory Transactions 6.4 Reducing size of report adding containers.
Report Version 9.87 01/11/2010
1. Changes to export to Famous
2. Purchases Grouped by Purchase 2.8 Added an option of not showing details
3. Inventory Transactions 6.1 Adding a value method of unit Cost
Report Version 9.85 01/11/2010
1. Inventory Transactions 6.1 Adding a value method of unit Cost.
Report Version 9.84 1/11/2010
1.Inventory Transaction: Added Unit Cost to Value Method
Report Version 9.83 11/11/2009
1. Changes to export to Famous
Report Version 9.82 11/02/2009
1. Application Grouped by Material adding a selection by Manufacturer
Report Version 9.81 8/5/2009
1. Reconciliation Work Sheet 6.0/ Correction of the way the not displaying actual parameter works.
2. Shipper Packer 5.0 Added selection by type
3. Application Irrigation Start Stop 1.8/ Correcting Start Time and Total Time when by Flow Rate
4. Add New Report: 1.0 Texas Material Sales Report
5. Federally Restricted Use Pesticide Sales Register 2.7 Added tables to visual linking-Corrected the amount formula
Report Version 9.80 7/28/2009
1. Mix All Data 2.4 adding cost per acre for each mix.
Report Version 9.71 7/20/2009
1. Block Yield Target 1.1, Block Harvest Summary 2.3, Block Budget vs Actual (type) 1.8, Block Season Validity 3.7, Correction of selection by owner
2. Mix All Data 2.3 Added the comment.
Report Version 9.70 7/16/2009
1. New report: Block Yield Target includes the target per acre and the total per block.
Report Version 9.69 7/1/2009
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 10.7/ Allowing map section to grow and not overwrite next section
Report Version 9.68 5/20/2009
1. CA NOI & Use Report 7.3 Showing pest in use report.
Report Version 9.67 5/18/2009
1. Application Grouped By Block 5.4 Correcting the error that included deleted records. When the application was not completed the proposed date is used.
2. Invoice 9.8 Correcting missing pilot on second page
Report Version 9.66 5/18/2009
1. Application Grouped By Block 5.4 Correcting the error that included deleted records. When the application was not completed the proposed date is used.
2. Invoice 9.8 Correcting missing pilot on second page
Report Version 9.65 3/01/2009
1. Purchase All Data Correcting the error where the Pending and the Transfer were missing.
2. Inventory Center Transaction Summary 1.6/ Adding a page break after each inventory center, correcting the selection by current record.
3. Inventory Transactions 5.7 Removing out of date range From Transactions
4. Harvest Summary 2.7 Correcting the error that did not give a printing options
5. Harvest Measurement Grape Estimate vs actual 2.8 Adding selection by receiving station which is the bill to of the block.
6. Application Grouped By Block 5.3 Added parameter of "Included" which determines if only material or only charges or both are included in the report.
7. Inventory Transaction 5.8 Including previous transfers in the calculation of the previous balance
8. Inventory Center Transaction Summary 1.7 Considering transfer in ending balance
Report Version 9.64 2/16/2009
1. OFM Trap Monitoring 2.3/ Correction of display bottom changes and pheremone changes each time a measurement is taken
2. Harvest Summary 2.6 Adding the cost column
3. PCA Recommendation, Work Order Setting correct location of map
Report Version 9.63 1/24/2009
1. CA Monthly Non Crop Report 5.0 Suppress line with 0 total amount.
2. Application Group by Expense Type 4.6 wrap site-block field when too long
3. Applications Summary 3.7, Adding application type
4. Operation Labels, Label 3 columns, Person labels, Labels 3 columns Correcting to fit all labels on Avery templates 5160
Report Version 9.62 1/19/2009
1. Purchase All Data 3.3 Adding the option of suppressing the cost.
Report Version 9.61 01/07/2009
1. Modem Transfer 6.2 Change in the way the Application Method is determined.
Report Version 9.60 12/29/2008
1. Updating all reports to handle the change in application method.
2. Application Mix Report 2.3 Added the option of Summary only.
3. Inventory Transactions 5.6/ Correction of totals when show details is No
4. Statement 7.4 removing error message when bill to selected is not included in the report.
5. Invoice Charge & Area 5.3 adding selection by state and county
Report Version 9.59
1. Inventory Transactions 5.4 Correction of report so it will import properly to excel
2. Invoice Charge & Area Detail 5.1 Adding Selection By Charge
3. Invoice: Invoice, 9.6 All Date 3.8, Invoice Overview 3.2, Sales Ticket 2.1 Tax Summary 3.1 Adding selection by materials and Charge. The user can select either materials or charges. If both are selected none shows up.
4. Handling New Fumigation codes: Application Methods 2.1, Application NOI Use Reports 7.1, Modem Transfer Accumulated 2.2
Report Version 9.58 10/20/2008
1. Inventory Transactions 5.3 When value is by material and there is no purchase cost in the material record show the value as 0
2. Material Summary 1.7 Correcting error that was not allowing printing.
3. CA Monthly Use Report. adding an option for signature taken from the contact record. The signature appears if the contact Person Record has the Person Type as All and a signature in the Signature data field.
4. Arizona 1080 5.2 Adding Ground Water BMP item.If you want the program to enter Yes when needed you have to:
a.Get the Ground Water Protection Module. Each material that is included in Agricultural Pesticides on the 2007 Groundwater Protection List (GWPL) add a line in the state grid where the state is Arizona and the GWPA column has a Y.
c. When the Application Method is Ground and the Material has a Y in the GWPA the AZ 1080 will include display Ground Water BMP [X] Yes [ ] No
5. Modem Transfer 5.1, Modem Transfer Accumulated 2.1/ Handling Crops that don't have the qualifier
6. Pocket Commands 1.1 Incremented the size of font for barcodes from 26 to 28
7. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 10.4 Handling long WPS instructions
8. Application Harvest Clear Date, 1.1 Correcting of material selection.
9. Application Time 1.2 Correcting error 515
Report Version 9.57 10/20/2008
1.Measurement Grape yield Setting the default for including details to no. Adding the option for detail inclusion when is being run from the harvest screen.
Report Version 9.56 10/1/2008
1. Application Time 1.01. Adding Tank Fixed Time.
A. Tank Fixed Time measurement: The time in minutes required for each load regardless if the load is full tank or partial tank. For example the driving time required to reach from the loading location to the treated field.
B. Tank Loading Time: The time in minutes required to load a full tank.
C. Tank Flow Rate: The total flow rate of the spray rig in gpm
The report uses the flow rate to calculate how much time is required to spray one load and by adding the loading time and fixed time it finds out how much time is required to complete the entire application. The applications are grouped by the proposed date so you can see how much time is required to complete the daily applications.
Tank Fixed Time 20 Minutes
Tank Loading Time 15 Minutes.
Tank Size 500 Gallons
Tank Flow Rate 50 gpm
Number of Loads 2.5
Spray Time is 10 Minutes (500/50)
Completion Time 122.5 (2.5 * 15 + 2.5 * 10 + 3 * 20)
2. Application All Data 6.7 Application All Date (Counties) 1.4 Eliminating multiple lines in equipment part
3. Measurement Grape yield 2.5 Adding date range
4. Adding the report Harvest Estimate vs Actual to the Harvest Screen and adding a date range
5. Shipper Packer EuroGap 4.8 Changing from EuroGap to Global Gap
6. Application Overview of Seasons 4.0 correcting Cost per yield unit and Cost per area.
7. Measurement Grape Thinning 2.5 correction of the average and deviation when values are excluded.
Report Version 9.55 7/28/2008
1.Training Data by Employee 2.5 Excluding deleted employees
2.Application Block Summary 4.2 Adding a paramater to sort by references or Blocks default is block
3.Payment Summary 2.5 Adding sorting by Preferences or Bill to
4. Measurement Grape Yield 2.2. Checking for division by 0 in actual per area. Occurs when a measurement does not have block.
5. New Report Application Time. The report is available with the Spray Calculator module. It computes the time that is required to execute an application and the total time required on a daily basis. The user is required to enter in the measurement grid two measurements:
A. Tank Loading Time: The time required to load each tank. The units are minutes.
B. Tank Flow Rate: The total flow rate of the spray rig in gpm
The report uses the flow rate to calculate how much time is required to spray one load then by adding the loading time and multiplying the number of loads it finds out how much time is required to complete each application.
The application are grouped by the proposed application date so you can see how much time is required to complete the daily applications.
6. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 10.2 Correction of irrigation start time when using flow rate. The Start Time in the Irrigation Grid is entered as a decimal number but is interpreted as Hr:Min. For example 7.05 is interpreted as 7:05, 7.5 is interpreted as 7:50.
7. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 10.3 Replaceing the band treated area with the actual treated area in the block details
Report Version 9.54 6/23/2008
1. Non Crop Cedt 2.0 Always including the Operator ID;
2. Measurement Grape Yield 2.1 in thining report removing clumns and adding remaining clusters
3. Harvest Quality Details 2.5 Correcting error of formula Blocks not found.
4. Harvest Quality Overview 2.5 Correcting error of formula Blocks not found.
Report Version 9.53 6/17/2008
1. Applications Summary, 3.5 Adding the application reference
Report Version 9.52 6/13/2008
1, Non Crop Cedt 1.9 Always including the commodity code;
2. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 10.1 Showing the PCA Comment when there are no materials, Adding the Irrigation data
Report Version 9.51 5/29/2008
1. Federal WPS 5.5/ Adding Applicator when the user selects the parameter show reference
2. CA Non Crop CEDTS 1.7 adapting the report being sent via California Web Service
3. Grape Yield 2.0 Adding Global Clusters per Vine average
Report Version 9.50 5/19/2008
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order,10.0 Increasing the size of WPS messages. Showing reason even when materials are not included.
2. Grape Yield Projection 1.8 Adding Rechis Debris & Berry Shrink factors to the calculations.
3. Invoice 9.5 Correcting Plane
4. Notice Prior Application by Email 4.1, Correcting the report header.
5. Application Mix Report 2.2 adding the PCA comment to the report.
Report Version 9.49
1. Invoice DOT 2.6, Application DOT 4.4 Adding the user header
2. Invoice DOT is not included when the program configuration does not include material billing.
Report Version 9.48 4/28/2008
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order, 9.8 The state where the application is done is the state of the Owner. The Federally Restricted and State Restricted are taken from the application record.
2. OFM Trap Monitoring 2.1 correction of access violation error.
Report Version 9.47 4/8/2008
1. Measurement Log Location Codes 1.2 Correcting inclusion of multiple labels.
Report Version 9.46 2/20/2008
1. Application Irrigation By Block 2.1 increasing the width of the columns.
2. Notice of Completed Pesticide Application 4.0 Adding in the block grid a column of Restricted Entry Expires, that gives the date and time.
3. Measurement Location Data, Label, Codes 1.1 Adding included in lookup
4. Measurement Log All Data 4.2 Adding Location included in lookups
5. Application Income Vs Expense 4.0 Correcting the selection formula to allow selection by season first date.
Report Version 9.45 2/7/2008
1. Invoice 9.4 Suppressing sales tax by item
2. Material Inventory verifying total amount is correct when no inventory center details are requested.
Report Version 9.44 2/7/2008
1. Missing reports
Report Version 9.43 1/28/2008
1. Restricted Use Pesticide Sales Register, 2.5, Correcting selection to federally restricted materials only.
2. Measurement Type Data 2.1 Addiing included Measurements
3. Barcode reports streamlining the reports
Report Version 9.42 1/16/2008
1. Season Summary 2.6 Adding Area Grand Total.
2. Application All Data Correcting the SPF formula of the materials. The SPF is determined by the status of the material. S appears when the material is State Restricted, F appears when it is Federally Restricted and P when posting is required. The correction consider all the states in the US not only California. The state is determined by the state of the application’s owner.
Report Version 9.41 1/15/2008
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 9.7, Adding group by site 5. It groups by the site and group all the blocks with the same variety and displays the variety name and the number of blocks in parenthesis.
2. CA Monthly Use Report 6.5 Adding the option of accumulating all.
Report Version 9.40 12/19/2007
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 9.7, Adding group by site 5. It groups by the site and group all the blocks with the same variety and displays the variety name and the number of blocks in parenthesis.
2. CA Monthly Use Report 6.5 Adding the option of accumulating all.
Report Version 9.39 1/1/2008
1, Application Irrigation By Block Correction of error which showed the site total when the multi block module was not included.
Report Version 9.38 12/12/2007
1. Season Summary 2.5 Adding the Sort by block Identifier option
Report Version 9.36 11/20/2007
1. Equipment Log Use History 1.2, Correcting to include several records of the same day
2. Application Irrigation Start Stop 1.4 Correction of sorting.
3. Added "Show Expected Inventory, to inventory reconciliation report.
4. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 9.6 Adding group by site 4 it identifies the treated location by having the site name and the number of blocks treated.
5. New report Map Details.
6. New Report Block Identifier
Report Version 9.35 11/19/2007
1. NOI & Use Report, 7.1 Correction of grouping by SiteID
Report Version 9.34 11/28/2007
1. Use NOI 7.0 allowing grouping by Site-ID over different site records CA Monthly Use Report
2. California Monthly Report 6.4, Changing the report parameter group by site record to a preference
3. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 9.5 Adding a preference to use the variety name instead of the crop name
4. Harvest Summary 2.4 Adding Total Area
5. Application Irrigation Start Stop 1.3, Placing the irrigations that were not completed at the end;
6. Application Summary Reports removal of the treated area column. The number was never accurate and caused more confusion than providing information.
Report Version 9.33 11/5/2007
1. Application Irrigation Start Stop, 1.1, Correction of totals, Sorting, date width
2. Inventory Reconciliation Work Sheet 5.2 New Page after each inventory
3. Harvest Summary 2.3 Adding Global Totals
4. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 9.4 Adding an option for inclusion the maps of all the maps of the current season of all the blocks.
Report Version 9.32 10/11/2007
1. Application Screen new Report with Interval module Harvest Clear Date it shows the date when a field can be harvested and the information about the application that affected the date.
2. Inventory Center, new Report Reconciliation Work Sheet used to assist in physical inventory reconciliation.
3. Application Irrigation By Block 1.8, Application Irrigation Schedule 1.5, Application Irrigation By Crop 1.8, Application Irrigation Schedule 1.5, Application Irrigation By Water Source 1.9 Allowing Selection by Water Source
4. Application Irrigation By Block 1.9, Application Irrigation Schedule 1.6, Application Irrigation By Crop 1.9, Application Irrigation Schedule 1.6, Application Irrigation By Water Source 2.0 Suppression of owner fields when single operation
5. With the Irrigation module new report Irrigation Start Stop.
Report Version 9.31 9/21/2007
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order, 9.3, Correcting suppression of Rate when the preference is set to not show it
2. Invoice 9.3 NOI & Use Report 6.9 Correct Permitte to Permittee
Report Version 9.30 9/10/2007
1. New Report Measurement Grape Estimate vs Actual. This report compares the predicted, Target yield versus actual yield. It requires the Yield Estimate and Harvest Modules.
2. Measurement Grape Maturity Projection, 1.1 No projection with one measurement only.
3. Shipper Packer 4.7, Corrected Crew information
Report Version 9.29 9/8/2007
1. New Report Measurement Grape Maturity Report: This report makes a projection of the date when the grapes will reach a target brix level. It requires entering Grape Maturity measurement type of Brix, pH, TA and Target Brix.
Report Version 9.28 8/24/2007
1. Statement 7.3 Change date range from Completion to Billing / Payment
2. Measurement Grape Yield 1.5 With multiple measurement dates showing the last one only, when no details are required.
3. Shipper Packer EuroGap 4.5 Adding Crew data.
4. New Report - Morning Star Crop History
Report Version 9.27 8/2/2007
1. CA Monthly Use Report, 6.2, Correcting total area when accumulating not to consider the area of the same application more than one time when different containers are used.
NOI & Use Report, CA Monthly Use Report 6.7, CA Modem Accumulation 1.9, CA Modem Transfer 5.6 displaying multiple lines of the same material in a single line. It happens when several container sizes are used.
2. Statement Aging Summary 3.4 Change date range from Completion to Billing / Payment
Report Version 9.26 7/24/2007
1. Application Overview of Current Season, 3.8
Correcting the way the report handles total cost when harvest records are not recorded.
2. Measurement Grape Yield, 1.4, Adding per area target and predicted yield.
3. Invoice 9.1, Statement 7.2 discount availability message changed from "If you pay in full on or before"to "If full payment received before"
Report Version 9.25 7/10/2007
1. Measurement Grape Yield, 1.2 Adding headers of details.
2, California Use or NOI option to use the Application Method Name instead of the sy
Report Version 9.23 7/1/2007
1. Application Overview, 3.0, Added up to 4 digit precision to rate.
Report Version 9.22 5/30/2007
1. NOI Use report 4.9 correction in method for including the fields.
Report Version 9.21 5/29/2007
1. Measurement Yield added details and exclude.
2. Statement, 7.0, Correction of unit price accuracy in detailed statement.
3. Application Equipment Employee Summary, 3.8 Showing employee part when Part paid by area.
4. Application Equip Group by Block 4.4 Showing employee part when Part paid by area
Report Version 9.20 5/8/2007
1. Yield Estimate Module New reports
Report Version 9.10 4/14/2007
1. Application Cost Overview by Block, 1.4 Adding Irrigation and seeds names.
2. Work Order, 9.0, Correction an error that did not show the water when charger/activities were included.
3. Measurement Log Data 3.9, Correction of measurement unit
4. Modem Transfer correction of multiple transmission errors.
Report Version 9.09 4/13/2007
1. Work Order 8.9 Charge changed to Activity.
2. Statement 6.9 Correction in onsidering discounts
Report Version 9.08 4/11/2007
1. Work Order 8.8 adding an option to include charges.
2. Purchase All Data, 3.1, When transfer show inventory name in supplier field
3. Equipment Log Data 2.4 Correction of Supervisor selection
Report Version 9.07 3/29/2007
1. CA NOI 4.6 adding an option for including a map in a separate page.
2. Federal WPS 4.08 correcting handling of Show Blank Dates Parameter. Adding Harvest Information.
3. Block All Data report 3.7, Map All data 2.1, Measurement Log Increasing GPS coordinates accuracy
Report Version 9.06 2/6/2007
1. Worker Protection Standard 5.0 corrections
2. Application Cost Overview by Block, 1.3 Correction of Total calculation.
3. New Report Material Common Name All Data.
4. Phone Type All Data, 2.1, Application Reason All Data 2.1 Alphabetic Sorting
5. Application All Data 6.4 Adding CDMS information to report.Correcting missing charges part
6. Two new reports Application Grouped by Supplier Summary and Detail
7. PCA Recommendation/Work Order 8.7Corrected included equipment and crew
Report Version 9.05 1/23/2007
Inventory Transactions, 5.0, correction of purchase owner when Identifier parameter is set to by owner.
Report Version 9.04 1/11/2007
1. Material Summary 1.5 Adding a parameter for sorting by material name manufacturer and EPA ID
2. Application Cost Overview by Block 1.1, Changing from rate to total, Adding Unit Cost, Adding Application Comment, Adding a parameter for not showing the treated Area
Report Version 9.01 1/8/2007
1. Material All Data 3.6 adding CDMS field.
2. New Report Material Ingredient Summary.
3. Allowing selection by equipment in Equipment Log Part.
4. New Report Application Cost Overview by Block
Report Version 9.00 1/1/2007
1. New Report with CDMS Module CDMS Recommendation
2. New Report with CDMS Module CDMS Work Order
3. New Report with Non Crop Module: All Data (Counties)
4. Purchase record: Adding Selection By Material Type, All Data, 3.0, Purchases Grouped by Material, Purchases Grouped By Inventory Center 3.0
5. Person Exposure By Material 3.1 adding a parameter to include the active ingredient.
6. Material Mix 1.9 adding include summary parameter.
Report Version 8.88 11/1/2006
1. Material Inventory 2.7 Adding a parameter of Group By Center.
Report Version 8.87 9/20/2006
1. Inventory Transactions 4.7, Correction of Value accuracy to match added value
2.. Inventory Transaction report adding a parameter for showing total purchase.
3. Application All Data 6.2 Minor cosmetic changes.
4. California Non Crop School correction of formula error.
Report Version 8.86 9/20/2006
1. Notice of Completed Pesticide Application, 3.6, Adding Crop to site description
Report Version 8.85 10/2/2006
1. Inventory Transactions, 4.7 Correction of Value accuracy to much added value
2.Organophosphate Carbamate Exposure divided to two reports All that includes all Organophosphate Carbamate WD only those of Warning and Danger toxicity type materials.
Report Version 8.84 9/15/2006
1.Organophosphate Carbamate Exposure 2.0 Adding the report WD only Warning and Danger toxicity type materials
Report Version 8.82 9/12/2006
1. Inventory Transactions, 4.5, Correction of total value when transfers are included, adding Transfer From, Transfer To. Including Multiple Transfer From in a single day.
Report Version 8.81 8/23/2006
1. NOI & Use Report, 6.2, Correction of error 515
Report Version 8.80 8/17/2006
1. Federal WPS, 4.7, Adding Start date & time
Report Version 8.79 7/26/2006
1. CA Noncrop 4.5, Increasing the size of the applicator full name
Report Version 8.78 7/5/2006
1. Arizona 1080, 4.7, Handling inclusion of active ingredient when the active ingredient is not included in the material
2. CA Monthly Use Report 5.9, Shipper Packer 4.2, Adding an include reference parameter
Report Version 8.77 6/27/2006
1. Application All Data Report 6.1 Adding the total charges materials and grand
2. CA Monthly Use Report 5.8, Multiple Site Use Report 4.6, Multiple Section Use Report 3.9 Adding Selection By State,
3. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 8.5 handling the disappearance of Preharvest interval in printing.
4. Invoice 8.8 Correction of missing address
Report Version 8.76 6/13/2006
1.Invoice 8.7 Improving handling of federally restricted materials for states other than California
2. Application DOT 4.2, Invoice Federal DOT 2.4, Application Federal Adding an option for using or not using rounding the number of Containters as determined by the Preference Report Option "Round Container Number"
Report Version 8.75 6/13/2006
1. Commission Overview 2.7 Pilot on every page, Page number on every page.
2. New report Material Mix Summary which includes a cross tab of all the Materials used
Report Version 8.74 6/5/2006
1. Commission Overview 2.6 Widening columns and correction of total commission.
2. Modem Transfer 5.2 Handling 12:00 AM completion time without an error
Report Version 8.73 6/1/2006
1. Invoice Breakdown by supplier: Allowing selecting the supplier
Report Version 8.72 6/06/2006
1.Shipper Packer 4.1 Including both reentry and harvest intervals. When Harvest Module Include retrieving First & Last date from harvest records.
2.Application Summary 5.5 exclusion of deleted records
3.Commission Summary 3.4 Adding a Paid, Not Paid Commission Included parameter .
4.Payment All Data 2.4 Correction of check amount and correction amount
5. Invoice Breakdown by supplier: Allowing selecting the supplier
Report Version 8.71 5/25/2006
1.Application Federal DOT Single, 4.1 Adding Include Inventory parameter.
2.Application Income Vs Expense, 3.5 Correction of totals.
3.Application Group by Expense Type, 4.2 Correction of total cost column.
Report Version 8.70 5/16/2006
1. Commission Statement 4.3 Removal of period from payment description
2. CA Modem Transfer 5.1 Handling proposed time when NOI.
3. With Harvest Analysis module adding six new records: Block Daily Crosstab, Block Weekly Crosstab, Block Monthly Crosstab, Variety Daily Crosstab, Variety Weekly Crosstab and Variety Monthly Crosstab
4. Applications Summary, 3.1 Correction to include all materials whenthere are several blocks in an application.
5. Charge Price List, 2.1, Sorting the charges alphabetically.
6. Material Price List, 2.6 Allowing drill down by material name.
Report Version 8.69 4/28/2006
1. Harvest Price Cost Analysis 1.1 Correction of detail suppression
2. Payment All Data 2.3 Correction of selection by payment date.
3. Application Overview of Current Season 3.5 Inclusion of all harvest records of the same date. Adding Yield Price. Including Harvest Cost
Report Version 8.68 5/01/2006
1.Measurement Log Details, 1.1 Measurement Log Data 3.6 Reading is given in decimal accuracy defined in Measurement record.
2.New RePORT 69,238,90,249,129,106
Chemical Number when outside Federally restricted
4.Permit All Data 2.5 Sorting by material and site
Report Version 8.65 4/01/2006
1.CA Monthly Use Report 5.6, NOI & Use Report 6.0, CA Monthly Non Crop Report 4.3, Multiple Section Use Report 3.7 Adding the use current date/time parameter
2. Measurement Log Data 3.4 Correction of unit
3. New Report with the Measurement Module: Details.
Report Version 8.64 3/14/2006
1. Application Grouped By Material 4.7, Application Summary 5.1 Allowing Selection by Material Form;
Report Version 8.63 3/13/2006
1. Commission Overview 2.5 Widening columns
Report Version 8.62 2/21/2006
1. Shipper Packer, 3.9 correction of reentry and harvest dates
Report Version 8.61 2/20/2006
1.Traceability Module New Report Application Shipper Packer (EurepGAP)
Report Version 8.60 2/2/2006
1. Statement detail 6.7 used Decimal accuracy from invoice unit cost decimals
2. New Reports Neighbor Notification, Neighbor Notification Summary (Application)
Neighbor Notification Summary (Neighbor).
Report Version 8.59 1/23/2006
1. Application Grouped By Material, 4.6,Adding selection by material family.
2. Invoice Material Summary, 1.4, Correction of runtime error
3. AZ 1080 4.5 meeting the new state reporting format.
Report Version 8.58 1/17/2006
1. Monthly Use Report, 5.5, Change heading from Total Formulated Product Used to Total Product Used
2. Work Order, 8.3, Correction of Equipment inclusion part.
8.57 1/12/2006
1. With the irrigation module new report: Irrigation Schedule includes the proposed irrigation dates, source and time for all future irrigations, Each block appears in a single page.
2. With the irrigation module new report: Irrigation & Materials Schedule includes the only the proposed irrigation that also include materials (usually fertilizers) it includes the irrigation date amount and material amounts.
3. NOI & Use Report SP Handling the line No Reportable materials included.
4. Application Grouped By Block 4.7 Correction of dilution volume
Report Version 8.56 1/1/2006
Modem Transfer 4.9, removing comma from record number
Report Version 8.55 1/1/2006
1 Modem Transfer 4.8,. Modem Transfer Accumulated 1.3 Showing the record number instead of the Record counter
2. Application Group by Expense, 4.0, Applied rate / area in material application rate.
3. Application Group by Expense Type 4.0 Correction the Total cost to reflect the block treated area.
4. Exposure by Material Family, 3.1, Correction of report when more than one block is included
5. Application Overview of Current Season 3.3 Handling cost when there are no harvest records
Report Version 8.54 11/2/2005
1. CA Monthly Non Crop Report 4.1 CA Non Crop CEDT SP 1.3, Handling applications that have multiple area units. When more than one unit is used the unit that is bigger is used for example if one application is using Acres and the other Square Feet the Acre unit is used.
2. Commission Statement , 4.2, Widening columns.
3. Application All Data 5.9 Work Order PCA Recommendation 8.2 Using Rate Precision Preference.
4. CA Monthly Non Crop Report Increasing width of Units treated.
5. Changing 0 AM to 12 AM in the following reports: CA Monthly Use Report 5.4, NOI & Use Report 5.8 , Application All Data, 5.9, Invoice 8.4, Multiple Site Use Report 4.3, Multiple Section Use Report 3.6, Notice of Completed Pesticide Application 3.4, Pest Control Notice 3.5, Federal RUP 4.0, School Site 3.4 Reporting Texas, Use Report 3.4, Washington Use Report 3.3 If Hr = 0 then Hr := 12;
Report Version 8.53 11/2/2005
1. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 8.1 Adding an option for displaying all phone numbers
2. Invoice Material Summary, 1.3 Correction of division by 0
3. Commission All Data 2.9, Commission Overview 2.4 Widening columns
4. Invoice Charge & Area 4.8 Cosmetics.
5. Equipment Log Last Reading 1.1 Inclusion of service and applications and Equipment initial reading.
6. Removal of service reports from Equipment Log they only appear in the Equipment part
7. Application All Data 5.8 that increases the width of the block treated area and unit cost.
8. Commission Payments Summary 2.3 Correction of Totals
9. New Report Application Material Cross Tab. Each line is a season and the rows are the materials used in that season. The values can be expressed as formulated material or cost.
10. New Report Application Type Cross Tab. Each line is a season and the rows are the material types used in that season. The values can be expressed as dollar amount.
Report Version 8.52 9/12/2005
1. New Report Equipment Log Use History
2. Purchase All Data, 2.9, Adding Identifier
3. Equipment Log Service Required Report 2.4 Including equipment that does not have an equipment log service record.
4. Equipment Log Service History 2.2 Removing Deleted Records
Report Version 8.51 10/01/2005
1.PCA Recommendation, Work Order 8.0 Default of field description of one column
2.Adding an option to skip empty CA Use reports.
Report Version 8.50 6/15/2005
1. Shipper Packer, 3.7, Adding Site name, Adding selection by inventory center
2. State All Data 1.5, County All Data 2.2 adding Fips Code
3. Non Crop report 4.0 handling code 40008 Soil Treatment.
4. Invoice Breakdown by Supplier, 3.2, Widening Total Used column.
5. Invoice 8.3 Showing pilot and plane when report is longer than 1 page.
6. Statement 6.6. Showing discounted price when report is longer than 1 page
7. Inventory Transactions 4.3, Including Transfers in report.
8. Organophosphate carbamate 1.90 Correcting an error when more than one block are included in an application.
9. New Diary Report in the Measurement Log part. The report includes all the comments and the pictures of the logs. The report is sorted by Owner, Site, Block, Season and the user can choose to include only records with pictures or only records with comments or both.
10. Purchase Summery 1.2 Including purchases of Transfer type in the report.
11. In the Equipment Log part new report: Last Reading
12. Invoice 8.2 Correct listing of equipments when multliple parameters are defined
Report Version 8.15 7/20/2005
1. Inventory Transaction 4.3 Improve handling of transfers
Report Version 8.14 7/19/2005
1. Invoice 8.21 Showing pilot and plane when report is longer than 1 page.
2. Statement 6.51. Showing discounted price when report is longer than 1 page
Report Version 8.13 6/9/2005
1. Invoice Dot 2.0, Application DOT 3.6, Correction of number of packages in multiple record DOT
2. Service Requirement 2.2 removing one time services
3. Invoice 8.2, Using Supplier Full Name
Report Version 8.12 6/2/2005
1. Purchases Grouped by Material 2.8 Widening columns.
2. New Report Payment Discount summary
Report Version 8.11 5/23/2005
1. Federal WPS, 4.3, Adding selection by reportable materials.
2. Federal RUP, 3.8, Adding the Supplier
3. Application All Data, 5.5, Correction of dilution misspelling
4. Purchases Grouped by Material 2.7, grouped by Inventory Center 2.7,Adding average unit cost
Report Version 8.09 4/26/2005
1. Application Grouped By Inventory 2.1 Adding selection by PCA and other lookup items.
2. Shipper Packer 3.6 Block title is taken from the block alias
3. Inventory Transactions 4.2 Justifying Total center value to right.
4. PCA Recommendation, Work Order 7.8 Correcting the handling water volume line, added preference of Include Expiration Date
5. Application Grouped By Charge 4.5 Correction of selection charge
6. Application Summary 4.9 Correction of cost per planted area
Report Version 8.08 4/5/2005
1. Invoice Material Profit 1.9 Widening the Total Columns
Report Version 8.07 3/30/2005
1. Update of equipment reports
Report Version 8.06 3/7/2005
1. Invoice 8.1 Widening the columns in the charges part.
2. Application All Data 5.3, Commission Overview 2.2, Commission Summary 3.2 Considering Commission Part By area
Report Version 8.04 02/16/2005
1. Application Summary Reports 4.7 Adding the tax to the total cost.
2. Application All Data 5.2 Allowing name of site block to grow.
3. Block Current Season 1.8 Added Sort by Site ID parameter.
4. Harvest Quality Overview 1.9, By Season Correction of division by zero error.
5. Harvest All Data 3.1 including the ticket information.
6. Inventory Transactions Report Adding an Include Pending parameter. When it is set to Y the report includes Application that were not completed and pending invoices and purchases.
Report Version 8.03
1. Inventory Transactions 3.0: , Purchase All Data 2.8, Purchase grouped by purchase 2.5, Purchase grouped by inventory center 2.6, Purchase grouped by Material 2.6 Correction of handling the purchase table.
Report Version 8.02 1/24/2005
1. Application Irrigation By Crop 1.2 Adding Area units
2. Application Irrigation By Water Source 1.2 Adding units to grand values
3. Application Irrigation By Block 1.2 Correction of totals.
4. Harvest Traceability 1.1 Replacement of Seed Table
5. Budget All 1.3 Adding Scheduling data
Report Version 8.01 12/29/2005
1. Application all data 5.0 correction of wrong seed file.
2. Application Irrigation By Water Source 1.1 Correction of allocation
3. Application Irrigation By Block 1.1, By Crop 1.1 Including units
Report Version 8.00 12/02/2004
1. Change in database.
2. Harvest part adding Traceability Report.
3. Application all data 4.9 Correction of missing charges.
4. Block part, with the scheduling module, adding the scheduling reports
5. With the Irrigation Module Adding the following Application Reports: Irrigation by Block, Irrigation By Crop, Irrigation By Water Source.
6. Pest All Data 2.0 adding sorting by name.
Report Version 7.74 9/29/2004
1. Modem Transfer 4.5 Adding a check to verify unit names are the ones allowed by CEDTS.
2. New Report CA CEDTS Noncrop
3. Change in the name of the Modem Transfer reports to CEDTS. Some county allow the uploading of the reports via the internet.
4. Application Mix 1.4 Adding crop and area and Proposed date range
5 Application Noi Use Report 5.5 Correction of typo error (Reportable)
6 Application Overview of current season 2.9 widening the rate column
7 Application Shipper Packer increasing the width of dry material to handle lb when item entered as tons.
8 Application Limit Report avoiding unit conversion where the same unit is used in the application and material record.
Report Version 7.73 9/28/2004
1.New report Invoice Breakdown by Customer report
Report Version 7.72 9/21/2004
1. Operation Summary 2.7 adding a parameter that allows inclusion of phone numbers
2. Invoice 7.9 Suppress details of charges and materials.
3. Operation Label 3 columns 1.8 Adding a parameter to suppress the contact name.
4. Work Order correction of the effect of include equipment.
5. Handheld reports adding selection by charges
6. Material Inventory 2.5 Adding Inventory Center Total.
7. Application Overview 2.3 Adding selection By Charge.
8. New report in the Inventory Center Transaction Summary 1.0
9. Application Income vs. Expense 3.0 correction of an error that hid the expense lines.
10. Harvest All Data Report 2.9 Adding the charge, crew and equipment information.
Report Version 7.71 9/17/2004
1. Invoice Adding options to suppress charge detail and/or planted area.
Report Version 7.70 8/17/2004
1 Invoice Summary 3.8 Adding Total Only Parameter.
2. PCA Recommendation and Work Order 7.4 adding option of including Block season identifiers.
Report Version 7.69 8/5/2004
1. Commission Overview 2.0 Adding Site Alias and streamlining the report.
2 Monthly report 5.1 Correction of an error that did not include all the blocks.
3. Application Completion report 3.1 simplification of report.
Report Version 7.68 7/26/2004
1. Block Season 3.0 adding season Identifier.
2. PCA Recommendation Work Order 7.2, when employee module included always show the "Crew" in the crew box.
3. Invoice 7.6 correcting an error 515 when selecting by application method.
4. Application Summary 4.5 adding the parameter of Show Details. When it is set to No only the totals are included. For example if the report is Owner Expense only the totals of the owner are included without any expense details.
5. Invoice 7.7 Correction of Missing Materials When Site State is not defined.
6. Shipper Packer 3.3 removing California parts of the EPA ID when applied outside CA.
7. Statement Detailed Report 6.4 Correction material duplication when more than one block is included and materials are not billed.
Report Version 7.67 7/13/2004
1. Notice Of Application 2.8, Pest Control Notice 3.2 adding selection by Bill To.
Report Version 7.66 7/7/2004
1. Harvest Quality Detail 1.8 Correction of Reading column.
2. Harvest By Season 2.3 reducing font to 9.
3. Work Order & PCA Recommendation 7.1 Correction of missing manufacturer when no EPA number.
Report Version 7.65 06/29/2004
1. Application Overview of Current Season 2.7 Correction of application cost when more than one block is included.
2. Application All Data 4.7 widening the Completion date column.
Report Version 7.64 06/28/2004
1. Invoice 7.5, Application Federal RUP 3.7 correction of material doubles.
2. Application Notice of Application 2.7 Pest Control Notice 3.1 Adding application reference.
3. Application DOT report 3.5, Invoice DOT Report 1.7 Keeping size of material display, when some items are not defined.
Report Version 7.63 06/21/2004
1. Application All Data 4.6 Adding Crew and Employee Charges, Employee Start, Completion and Totals.
2. Application WPS Report 4.1, Federal RUP 3.6, Invoice 7.4, Texas 3.1, Work Order, PCA Rec. 7.0, Statement 6.4, AZ 1080 4.2, Oregon 1.5, Washington 3.0, Connecticut 2.8, Application Dot 1.6, Invoice Dot 3.4.: Removing from the EPA number the California portions
3. Application Overview of Current Season 2.6, Correction of Cost/Unit unit from rate unit to total unit.
7.62 6/10/2004
1. Equipment all data 2.0, Person All data 2.3, Measurement All data 2.1 Measurement All Data 2.0 Adding image to report.
2. Work Order & PCA Recommendation 6.9 adding an option to include material cost.
3. Application Mix Report 1.3 Adding Area per load, dilution and reentry interval.
4. Commission all data 2.6 Correction of Total and Base Totals column reversal.
5. Application Summary 4.4 Correction of computation of the totals of the Treated Area; avoiding multiple inclusion of the treated area when more than one material is included.
Report Version 7.61 5/21/2004
1. Material price list, Material link adding selection by grid items.
2. Application Overview 2.2 Allowing selection by all dates of the screen.
3. Application Summary 4.3 Block Expense correction of Total Planted Area
4. Invoice Summary 3 .7 Correcting sorting by date.
5. Measurement Log OFM for Mexico 1.3 increasing available width.
6. CA NOI, Use Notice of Application 5.4 Adding Allow Empty Application parameter. If selected application with no reportable materials are included (The materials that are not reportable do not appear but the other information (Site, crop, applicator etc. do).
7 Work Order 6.8 Allowing inclusion of application with no materials.
8. Commission Overview 1.9 amount invoiced to customer is proportional to pilot's part.
9. New Operation Summary Report.
10 New Material Summary Report.
Report Version 7.60 5/19/2004
1. Invoice 7.3 Displaying Restricted Material header in the use portion even when not in California.
2. New report CA Notice of Application.
Report Version 7.59 5/11/2004.
1. Application Work Order 6.8 Adding Equipment
2. Invoice Material Total 1.1 Adding Container Details.
Report Version 7.58 5/6/2004
1. New report: Invoice Material Summary.
2. When no date range is specified displaying No Date Range Specified message.Invoice Overview 2.8, Invoice Material Profit 1.6, Invoice Summary 3.5, Invoice By Supplier 3.0, Invoice Tax Summary 2.6
Report Version 7.57 5/4/2004
1. Including Invoice Material Profit even when material price schedule module is not included.
Report Version 7.56 5/3/2004
1. Invoice Material Profit 1.4 Adding Date Range
Report Version 7.54 4/29/2004
1. Including the missing reports.
Report Version 7.53 4/29/2004
1. Invoice Material Profit 1.2 Adding selection by material type.
Report Version 7.52 4/9/2004
1. Invoice Material Profit 1.1 Correction of Net and changes of headers to Total Cost, Total Sales and Net Profit.
2. Invoice Material Profit 1.2 Adding selection by material type.
3. Application overview report allow applications that were not completed
4. Application Summary Variety Expense 4.1 Correction of the Total Planted Area computation.
5. Invoice 7.1 using the Billing Preference of Invoice Unit Cost Decimals.
Report Version 7.17 3/17/2004
1. Purchase All Data 2.6 Removal of Record Number and of Number of containers when no container is selected.
2. Measurement Log OFM for Mexico report 1.2 correction when two trap readings are on two consecutive days.
Report 7.16 3/14/2004
1. New Invoice Analysis by Owner report
Report Version 7.15 3/10/2004
1. Mexico OFM 1.2 allowing long participant name.
2. Measurement Log All Data Report 3.1 Adding a parameter for including comments (Yes No Only).
3. CA Monthly Use 5.0 Correction of included materials error introduced in version 4.9.
Report Version 7.14 3/4/2004
1. Mexico OFM 1.1 Lot number is taken from the Block Identifier.
2. Fieldman Assignment: Block Validity 2.9, Produce Acceptance 2.8, Harvest Validity 2.9 Correction of Error in File Links Message
3. Measurement Log All Data Report 3.0 Adding Location. Removing caption of missing data.
Report Version 7.13 3/2/2004
1. Federal WPS 4.0 adding the Treated Field Date Parameter.
2. New Report Application Mix.
3. Invoice Summary 3.5 Adding a parameter for sorting by reference or by date.
4. Purchase All data report 2.5 Correction of taxed amount column.
5. Invoice 7.1 Adding 3 digit to sales tax accuracy.
6 Application Plane Starts and Take offs 2.8 Removing distinction between letter case of Start and Take off record names
Report Version 7.12 3/2/2004
1. Monthly 4.9 Improving execution time.
Report Version 7.11 2/16/2004
1. Invoice 7.0, NOI USE 5.2 Monthly Multiple Commodity 3.9 correction of crop ID
7.10 2/6/2004
1. Application Equipment Grouped By.. 3.8 improving the handling of Total Only Parameter
7.09 2/5/2004
1. Block Harvest and Reentry 3.3 Adding an owner column
7.08 2/1/2004
1. PCA Work Order 6.6 Removal of empty page when material text is included.
2. Application Grouped by Block 4.1 Adding a parmeter for selection entry date instead of completion date
3. Block Harvest and Reentry 3.3 Adding an owner column
Report Version 7.07 1/23/2004
1. PCA Work Order 6.5 Correction of material text inclusion
Report Version 7.06 1/16/2004
1. Invoice 6.9 When the site is not in California removal of items that are only required by California in the use part including, Operator ID, Site ID Crop ID Material ID and Restricted.
2. Operation Label 1.7 3 column 2.4 sort option by Record Name, Zip and Full Name 3. Person Label 1.5 3 column 2.5 sort option by Record Name, Zip and Last Name
3. Application Grouped by Charge correction of Total Cost accuracy.
Report Version 7.00 12/18/2003
1. Application Work Order, PCA 6.4 Increasing width of site ID
2. Adding the OFM for Mexico report. The report is available with the measurement module. It handles measurement log of type OFM. The user records measurements of Trap Count, Bottom Changed and Pheromone Changed. It has the format required by Mexico. The report covers one month that is the month of the first date in the report specification. Each page includes data from all the location of a single block. The reading of Count trap are included in the upper part and the days when the Bottom or the Pheromone were changed are denoted by X's at the bottom line.
3. Invoice 6.8 Increasing tax number of digits after decimal point to 3.
Report Version 6.97 1/8/2003
1. Application monthly adhering to the remove slashes from site id preference.
Report Version 6.96 1/7/2003
1. Application Federal DOT 3.3 verifying that all material are included of materials included.
Report Version 6.95 1/5/2004
1. New report Application Modem Transfer Accumulation. This rePORT 68,127,91,50,135,161
88 10/01/2003
1. Handheld overview by block 1.7 Correction of included comments when sent to file.
2. In the Block part adding a new Season Summary Report which is the same as Current Season report except for including all the season.
3. Statement Details 5.8 Adding an option to suppress material details other than name.
4. In Application part adding a new report Season Summary (cost)
5. Application Grouped By Material 3.8 Adding Selection By Bill To
Report Version 6.87 9/15/2003
1. Block Current Season added a parameter for sorting the seasons by the first date.
Report Version 6.86 9/16/2004
1. Invoice 6.5 Suppress WPS comment when invoice has no application
2. Application WPS 3.8 replacing comma by dash as separator of site name from block name
Report Version 6.85 8/28/2004
1. Federal WPS 3.6 Adding the Site name to the block name when the Multi Block Module is included.
2. Replacing last program update date with report printing date.
3. Application Block Summary 3.4 correcting the order of applicator/PCA
4. Invoice Overview 2.6 added date range.
5. New Invoice report with material billing RUP Register.
Report Version 6.84 8/7/2003
1. Summary By Bill-to 1.1 Adding the split percentages
2. Application Summary 3.8 Adding a selection by Bill to and adding a parameter "Use Application Cost" for using either cost from application or from expense record
Report Version 6.83 8/5/2003
1. Commission Overview correcting owner and block
2. New Report in the Application Screen Summary By Bill To
3. Inventory Transaction report 3.6 Correction of total when no details are required.
Report Version 6.82 7/31/2003
1. AZ 1080 4.0 Increasing the size of the EPA number
2. Invoice Breakdown by supplier 2.7 Handling both application based and invoice based lines
Report Version 6.81 7/14/2003
1. Blocks Allowed Harvest, Allowed Reentry 3.1 adding a parameter of Consider Not Completed applications. Default is No., Adding selection by crop variety and bill to.
2. Work Order and PCA Recommendation 6.0 adding option 4 for listing treated blocks.
Report Version 6.80 6/18/03
1. Notice of completion 2.9 improving the look when emailed
2. Summary By.. 3.7 correction an error that reversed report by type parameter. Before
the correction when the report by type was selected the report was by expense and vice versa.
3. AZ 1040 3.7 Increasing the size of the ADA office use only box
4. Invoice Breakdown by supplier 2.5 Changes to base report on materials in application not those transferred to invoice.
5. Invoice All Data Report 3.2 Correcting the inventory center.
6. Invoice 6.4 widening the pest field.
Report Version 6.71 6/9/03
1. Block Budget Vs Actual 1.1 handling materials and charges that are not in the budget.
Report Version 6.70 6/9/03
1. Material All data 2.9 Adding selection by placard
2. Invoice 6.3 Correcting Identifier spelling
3. Completion Notice 2.7 adding treated area.
4. Application Block Income Vs Expense 2.7 elimination of an empty page.
5. AZ 1080 When no EPA number use "Exempt" instead.
6. Statement Summary 5.6 Correction of Net Trans. Column, Improvement of handling discounts
7. Aging Summary 3.1 Handling of discounts
8. Material Link 2.6, Material inventory 2.3, Adding selection by placard.
Report Version 6.60 5/7/03
1. Application DOT 3.1, Invoice DOT 1.4 Adding ShipTo and User Defined Emergency Phone Number.
2. Application Pest Control Notice 2.6, Adding details of completion date and time by block
3. With the banding module PCA Recommendation, Work Order 5.8 Making a distinction between The Total Treated Area and the Banded Treated Area.
4. Inventory Transaction 3.5 Add a parameter to show or not to show details.
5. Invoice Tax Summary 2.5 adding selection by county.
Report Version 6.51 4/30/03
1. Application equipment employee 2.8 replacing Owner with Owner Alias.
2. Application DOT 3.0 when hazaradous material using X in HR column instead of Y When Poison A or Poison B the placard is set to Poison.
3. Improving EpaID formula: Application Monthly Multiple Section 2.9 Multiple Commodity 3.0 Monthly 4.3, Non Crop Monthly 3.2, Recommendation 5.7, NOI USE 4.4, Connecticut 2.3,Oregon 1.1, Completion 2.6, Federal RUP 3.1, WPS 3.3, School 1.9, Shipper Packer 2.9 Washington 2.7, AZ 1080 3.4, Invoice 6.1, Statement 5.4
4. Measurement Log Summary By Type 1.5 Changing font adding a parameter for including comments
Report Version 6. 4/9/03
1. Harvest Grade Cross Tab 1.1 replacement of weight by yield
2. California Monthly 4.2 improving the report to be emailed in a better format.
3. AZ 1080 3.3 increasing the size of treated blocks and materials.
4. Including description in measurement:
Measurement: All data 1.8
Application: Overview By Season 2.0, All Data 3.8, Notice Summary 3.8,Block Summary 3.1, Group by Measurement 2.7
Measurement Log: All Data 2.6, Residue Analysis 2.4 Summary By Type 1.7, Graph 1.5
Crop: All Data 2.0,
Harvest: All Data 2.4 Summary 1.1, Quality By Weight 1.3, Harvest Quality Details 1.3
Invoice: Invoice 6.0, Statement 5.3
Block Harvest Summary 1.1
5. Federal WPS 3.2 Adding a preference of including material totals in the report.
6. Measurement Type 1.8 adding report version.
7. Application TX Report 2.6 correction of length error.
8. Billing Center 1.8 removing tables that are not used.
9. Commission Overview 1.4, Summary 2.7 Correction of error message variable not found.
10. Measurment Log Adding Cross Tab by date and Cross Tab by Measurement reports.
Report Version 6.17 4/1/03
1. Arizona 1080 2.6
a. Delivery location is taken from the identifier field.
b. when a material does not have an epa number the epa number appears as *Exempt*
2. Statement 5.2 correction of an error that included pending invoices in the report.
3. Handheld reports allowing for selection of empty dates. When block completion date is selected the selection is given in the header.
Report Version 6.17 4/8/03
1. Arizona 1080 2.6
a. Delivery location is taken from the identifier field.
b. when a material does not have an epa number the epa number appears as *Exempt*
2. Statement 5.2 correction of an error that included pending invoices in the report.
Report Version 6.16 4/02/03
1. Operation Total Area 1.1 Adding items to report selection.
2. Application Income vs Expense 2.5 Adding selection by variety.
3. Application PCA and Work Order 5.6 When Restricted, Posting, NOI required message is wrapped.
4. Arizona 1080 2.5:
a. grouping all blocks that belong to the same section township range.
b. list in block description names of all blocks and area in parenthesis.
c. getting definition of PMA area from site record. Material State grid if the state is Arizona then in form 1080 If Restricted Column is Y, when application method is Ground DEQ Soil Applied is set to Y, If Posting Column is Y Supplemental Label Required is set to Yes
e. when there is no EPA number N/A appears.
f. adding a preference to include the active ingredient in the report.
Report Version 6.15 3/14/03
1. Statement 5.1, Aging 3.0, Invoice Charge & Area Detail 4.2, Invoice Summary 3.2, Invoice Overview 2.3 Invoice Break Down by supplier 2.3, Invoice Tax Summary 2.2 improving the way pending invoices are excluded from the report.
Report Version 6.14 3/10/03
1. Adding Oregon PURS Summary report that compiles the information needed to prepare the Oregon PURS Report.
Report Version 6.13 3/05/03
1. PCA and Work Order 5.5 Adding an option for including or excluding operation identifier.
2. Adding a new operation report Total Area of the Current Season of blocks that belong the owners.
3. Application Worker Protection Standard Report 3.1 adding a parameter Blank Dates/Times which produces a report without the actual application date and time.
4. Application Grouped by Expense Type 3.3 Correction of selection approach
5. Application Grouped by Pest 2.9 Correction of selection approach.
6. Application Grouped by Block 3.6 when suppressing details suppressing reference numbers also.
7. Application Grouped by Charge 3.3 simplification of the report.
8. Application Handheld overview 1.4 Overview by Block 1.3 adding a parameter to include comments. When comments are included and there are comments entered then the displayed report has empty lines for the comments although they do not show. They do show when the report is exported to a spread sheet.
Report Version 6.12 2/21/03
1. Operation Label, Label (3 columns) Person Label, Label (3 Columns) adding a sorting parameter either by name or by zip code.
Report Version 6.11 2/4/03
1. Pca Work Order 5.4 Correction of signature location, Suppression of comment page when there are no comments in the material record.
Report Version 6.10 1/28/03
1. Statment 5.0, Aging Summary 2.9 Correction of payment inclusion.
2. Application Summary 3.4 Adding selection by pest.
Report Version 6.09 1/22/03
1. Application DOT 2.9 Invoice DOT 1.2 When owner is outside California Operator ID does not include County and year.
2. Invoice 5.9 Correction of ommission of person fields.
Report Version 6.08 1/21/03
1. Measurement Log Summary By Type 1.5 correction of several errors.
Report Version 6.07 1/14/03
1.Invoice 5.8 correcting Persons on appearing on report
Report Version 6.06 1/12/03
1. Application PCA Work Order 5.3 Removal of Material County Restricted material consideration
Report Version 6.04 1/3/03
1. Statment Detail 4.9 removal of white space.
2. Invoice 5.7 removal of terms duplication
3. Invoice Sales Ticket 1.3 adding empty line above memo.
Report Version 6.03 12/9/02
1. Invoice report adding group by block
2. New Report Harvest Summary
3. Invoice 5.6 adding the Group blocks by site options N,1,2
4. Worker Protection Standard 3.0 adding a parameter of New Owner New Page.
5. CA Monthly report 4.1, Monthly Multiple Commodity 3.3 Multiple Section 2.8 When date range is not a month, header of report is changed to "Pesticide use report" and the date range is given also adding a parameter to include non reportable materials.
Report Version 6.01 11/26/02
1. Sales Ticket 1.1 adding the invoice comment.
2. Invoice 5.5 allowing for more than one pilot and more than one plane.All employees in crew that are are of person type Pilot are include. All equipment in equipment type that have a license number are included. If none found the equipment in line number 1 is included.
3. Statement 4.7 allowing more than one pilot.
Report Version 6.00 11/19/02
1. Addition of Sales Ticket Report.
2. In Shipper Packer Report adding a Reportable Types Inclusion. If you select the default of Only, only materials of reportable types are included. All shows both reportable and not reportable, and Excluded shows only materials that are not reportable.
Report Version 5.16 10/23/02
1. Application Overview By Season 1.7 Saving lines by moving the applicator to the crew section.
2. California Modem Transfer 3.9 correction of treated area.
3. Application Handheld report 1.1 including all comments in the report, adding an option for suppression of repetitive names.
Report Version 5.15 10/2/02
1. Application NOI Use 4.0, Modem Transfer 2.9, Monthly 3.9 When planted area in site is empty use season planted area.
Report Version 5.14 9/30/2002
1. Measurement Log All Data Report 2.2 inclusion in the report measurement that have only comments without any measurments.
2. New reports Application Handheld Overview and Application Handheld Overview by Block The reports are designed to be exported to be used on Handheld devices like Palmtop. The reports can be exported in either Excel, Html, or Word format.
3. Harvest and Reentry Interval 2.7 format changes to fit handheld devices.
4. Application Overview by season 1.6 added an average of harvest by planted area.
5. Invoice All Data 2.8, Charge & Area 2.9 Adding consideration to Pending Invoices (No billing date).
6. Commission Statement, Summary 3.2 Correction of range when none defined.
7. Invoice Analysis by Block correction when split billed.
Report Version 5.13 8/28/2002
1. New report Commission Overview.
2. New report Harvest Quality By Weight.
3. New report Measurement Log Graph By Type
4. New report Measurement Log Summary By Type.
5. New report Application overview of current season.
6. Commission All Data 1.9 correction of number of commissions.
7. Commission Statement 3.0 correction of total customer charges.
8. In Application Overview 1.2 adding a parameter for using site ID.
1. Inclusion of person type in the Person Record find directory.
2. Adding the capability of updating the material database from a file.
3. When a grid of a Material Record is changed the last update is changed also.
4. Adding to the Preference|Harvest Tab the option to include or not include the Quality and Grades Tabs in the Harvest Record.
Version 5.11 8/20/2002
1. With the connectivity module adding an option to the Preference|Connectivity Tab "Export Images".
2. When clicking on a label of an input item the input item is set in focus.
3. Improving the way the program handles change of focus from one input screen to another.
4. Correction of error message when duplicating Site and Block Records.
5. Correction of commission correction procedure.
6. Correction of commission date header in find.
7. Adding to the Preference|Reports Tab the option to "Use Block Identifier" in PCA and Work Orders
Report Version 5.10 7/23/2002
1. New report Application Overview.
2. Commission Summary 2.3 correction of show customer charges.
3. Commission Payment 1.9 Summary 1.8 Removal of first and last dates.
Report Version 5.09 7/15/2002
1. Application Plane Starts and Take Offs 1.9, Invoice Tax Summary 1.8,Inventory Transaction 3.1, Person: Organophosphate Carbamate Exposure 1.1,Exposure By Material 2.2, Exposure By Material Family 2.2, Exposure Details 2.1, Block Allowed Harvest/Reentry 2.5, Wa Use 2.3, Texas Workplace Chemical list 2.2, Shipper Packer 2.6, Monthly 3.7, Multiple Section 2.5, Multiple Site 3.0, CA School 1.5, Non Crop 2.8, Arizona 1080 2.1. Verifying that report headers always include a date range.
2. New Report Application Overview by Seasons.
3. Application All Data 3.4 inclusion of the report header.
4. Invoice 5.2 widening the completed field so it will show when printed and adding an option not to include the start time and date in preferences.
5. Application Grouped By Charge, correction of an error in version 2.8
Report Version 5.08 7/8/2002
1. Harvest By Season 1.5 correction of total owner area.
2. In Commission Statement reports adding a selection of whether to show customer charges or not
3. In Application Starts and Take offs 1.7 adding a selection by equipment and equipment parameter
4. Monthly Multiple Section 2.9 correction of formula run time error.
5. California Use Report 3.8 adding a parameter for inclusion of incomplete application.
6. Statement 4.4 Verifying that report header always includes date range
Report Version 5.07 7/2/2002
1. Grouped by Material 3.2 Right Alignment of cost column
2. Grouped By Block 3.2 correction of 3.1
Report Version 5.06 6/27/2002
1. Commission Statement 2.7 increasing the size of the unit cost field.
2. Application DOT report 2.6 Correction of misspelling.
3. Application Group By Materials 3.1, By Charges 2.8, Expense 2.9, Expense Type 2.9
,Block 3.1 Adding a parameter of Show Details which makes it possible to suppress the block detail lines.
4. Correction of misspelling Application Monthly 3.6, Multiple Section 2.4, Multiple Site 2.7,
Non-Crop 2.7, Modem Transfer 3.8, NOI Use 3.7
5. Statement 4.3 removal of superfluous vertical lines.
Report Version 5.05 6/20/2002
1. Adapting the reports to the change in the inventory center identifier. Inventory All Data 2.3, Inventory Transactions 3.0, Invoice All Data 2.6, invoice overview 2.0, Invoice summary 2.8, Statement Aging Summary 2.4, Purchase grouped by inventory center 2.1 , Statement 4.2
Report Version 5.04 6/17/2002
1. With Ingredient Analysis Module, Application Ingredient Totals Ingredient Details 2.4 correction of bug associated with several blocks in the same application.
2. Adding the parameter of show cost to: Application Grouped By Charges 2.9, By expense 2.7, By Inventory 1.2, By Material 2.9, By Pest 2.4
Report Version 5.03 6/10/2002
1. Introduction of Operation Label (3 columns)
2. Introduction of Person label (3 columns)
3. Application Equipment Reports 2.5 Inclusion of cost columns.
4. Invoice Breakdown By Supplier 1.8 Correction of supplier.
5. Commission details 2.6 adding the details of the charges in the application that are chargeable.
6. Invoice 5.0 adding the start time.
7. Inventory Transactions 2.9, Inventory Center All Data 2.2, Inventory Balance 2.2 Adding a parameter to show/not show cost columns.
8. Statement and Statement Details adding the discount line and discount total.
9. With the Employee Exposure Module a new report in the Person's part the Organophosphate Carbamate exposure that flags exposure of more than 6 days to meet state blood testing requirements.
Report Version 5.02 4/29/2002
1. Statement 4.0 correction for reports that exclude 0 balances.
Report Version 5.01 4/26/2002
1. Statement 3.9 moving the statement comment higher in the page to include longer comments.
2. Material 2.5 adding last update field.
2. Invoice 4.9 moving the invoice comment higher in the page to include longer comments
Report Version 5.00 4/22/2002
1. Verify database to handle the change in the materials.
Report Version 4.76 4/15/2002
1. Wps 2.5 Adding the option of including the application reference.
Report Version 4.75 4/9/2002
1. Application Equipment Grouped by 2.2 correction of error 515
2. Pca Recommendation Work Order 4.3 adding the area unit to the dilution.
3. Invoice 4.3 of materials sold without application includes also manufacturer name.
4. Application Grouped by 2.2 further suppression of blank lines.
5. Application Equipment Employee Summary 2.1 better handling of Show Monetary Values parameter.
Report Version 4.74 3/26/2002
1 Invoice Analysis By Block 1.4 using the block alias in the name.
2. Application all data 3.1 inclusion of treated area and proposed area.
3. Application Equipment Grouped By 2.1 adding the equipment parameter group.
4. Application Equipment Summary By Employee 2.0 adding the equipment parameter group.
5. Invoice 4.7 Adding the capability of placing the invoice comment at the top or at the bottom
Report Version 4.73 3/21/2002
1. Changing the name of Invoice Analysis 1 to Analysis by Block.
2. Adding selection by person to Application Equipment By Employee report.
3. Invoice 4.6 adding the option of not including the block schematic map.
Report Version 4.72 3/11/2002
1. Application Grouped by material 2.7, by charge 2.4 improvement of vertical lines.
2. Adding selection by block to Invoice Analysis 1.
Report Version 4.71 3/5/2002
1. Correction of error in Application Type All Data report.
2. Ca Non Crop Monthly 2.4 Correction of selection.
Report Version 4.70 2/25/2002
1. Verify database to consider the price schedules.
2. Statement 3.7 removal of $ signs
3. New application grouped by inventory detail and summary was added
4. Non crop report 2.3 correction of the amounts.
Report Version 4.61 3/01/2002
1. Invoice Analysis 1 1.1 allowing selection by Bill To.
Report Version 4.60 2/12/2002
1. Verify database to consider the material line inventory centers.
2. PCA Work Order 4.2 improvement of Spanish Messages
Report Version 4.53 2/10/2002
1. Adding the CA School Report.
2. CA Monthly 3.2 widening the zip field.
4.52 2/05/2002
1. Application Grouped By Material increasing the width of totals.
2. Invoice 4.3 Correction of WPS Message portion.
3. Expenses Vs. Income 1.7 improving accuracy.
4. PCA Recommendation Work Order 4.0 when more than one block is included,adding the capability of displaying several schematic maps on an extra page.
5 Invoice Summary 2.4 adding Include Service Charges parameter.
Report Version 4.51 1/17/2002
1. Invoice 4.2 Include average cost per acre and widen comment area
Report Version 4.50 1/4/2002
1. Block Summary 2.3 Adding the total treated area.
2. Invoice and Charge Area Summary version 2.3 Adding Charge per area.
3. Application All Data 2.8 Widening data fields.
4. PCA Recommendation Work Order 3.9: Adding a column for partial load-When report is longer than one page adding a "continued on next page" message
5. In the material part adding the Internet Links report.
6. Material All Data 2.1 Adding the specification Include Other Details
7. CA NOI USE 3.3 Change in the font of material name to fit more.
Report Version 4.46 11/27/2001
1. Application Monthly 3.1, NOI Use 3.2, Multiple Monthly 2.2, Multiple Section 2.0 Using the report preference to determine whether a slash (/) is taken as a character or as a seperator between site ID and Planting sequence.
Report Version 4.45 11/14/2001
1. Modem Transfer 3.1 Removal of sorting by Owner Name.
2. PCA Work Order 3.7 Adding applicator fax
Report Version 4.44 11/12/2001
1. Application All Data 2.6 correction header when multiblock is not included.
Report Version 4.43 11/7/2001
1. Monthly Non Crop 2.0 Columns F & G are included only if code is not defined
2. Application All Data 2.5 Increasing the width of certain columns.
3. Califonia NOI and Use 3.1, PCA Work Order 3.6 Adding the warning from the block NOI map.
Report Version 4.41 10/25/2001
1. Application Grouped by block sorting by completion date.
Report Version 4.4 10/03/2001
1. Changes in all of the reports to include the Charge Identifier field.
2. PCA Work Order 3.6 Suppressing the water line when no dilution volume is defined.
3. CA Monthly 2.8 Update to version PR-ENF-017C. Added a preference for accumulation of materials.
Report Version 4.39 8/28/2001
1. Inventory Transactions 2.3 Inclusion of selection by Bill To from Invoice.
2. PCA Work Order 3.5 correction of horizontal line above PCA
3. Application Starts and Take Offs 1.3 correction of date range line.
Report Version 4.38 8/23/2001
1. Invoice All Data report 2.1 Adding the bill to.
2. Invoice overview 1.5 changing column name from owner to bill to.
3. Invoice Supplier 1.3 adding selection by owner.
4. Application Summary 2.5 Correction of total Applied.
5. Work Order 3.4 Adding the identifier
Report Version 4.37 8/8/2001
1. Commission Summary 1.6 increasing the width of several fields.
4.36 8/2/2001
1. Application Grouped By Charge 2.0 correction of the way it handles fixed charges.
2. Work Order 3.3 Correction of Crew name inclusion in work order.
3. Commission Statement 1.5 correction of Full Name to consider missing middle initial.
4. Commission Summary 1.5 amount invoiced to customer and area treated are adjusted according to the part of the job by the pilot in the application.
Report Version 4.35 7/27/2001
1. Invoice 3.9 Correction of the handling of inclusion of WPS messages in invoice.
2. Monthly 2.6 Inclusion of report version in header.
Report Version 4.34 7/13/2001
1. Application Grouped by Block 2.3 adding the owner name.
2. CA Monthly 2.6 Inclusion of report version in header.
Report Version 4.33 7/11/2001
1. Correction of totals in Invoice Charge And Area.
Report Version 4.32 7/11/2001
1. Invoice Summary 2.2, Invoice Charge And Area 2.0 Adding parameter of group by Applicator, Bill To, Owner and Supplier.
Report Version 4.31 7/6/2001
1. CA NOI 2.8 Inclusion of proposed hour of application in NOI.
Report Version 4.30 7/5/2001
1. Exposure Reports 1.7 improving computation of total exposure
Report Version 4.29 6/7/2001
1. Shipper Packer 2.0 Increasing width of Harvest Date.
2. Monthly,2.5 NOI USE. 2.6 Distinguishing between Total Area and Total Banded Area.
3. Commission Detailed Statement 2.0 adding application type.
4. Worker Protection Standard 2.2 improvement of vertical lines.
5. Application Grouped By Material 2.1, Grouped By Expense 2.1, Grouped by adding parameter for second column contents either Crop or Pest
6. NOI Use Report 2.7 Improvement of Record number definition.
7. Exposure Reports 1.6, Elimination of erased records and general improvements.
8. Shipper Packer 2.1 adding sorting by completion date.
9. Material Inventory 1.5 Adding selection by type, form, toxicity and family.
10. Application Federal WPS allowing selection by Material.
Report Version 4.28 6/5/2001
1. Inventory Transactions Including new parameter in purchase
Report Version 4.27 5/30/2001
1. Invoice Summary 2.1 Improvement of external look.
2. Inventory Transactions 2.1 Adding a parameter to identify a transaction by the owner.
3. Application All Data 2.2, Application Grouped by Expense 2.0, DOT 2.0, Starts and Take-offs 1.1, Shipper Packer 1.9, Block All Data 1.9, Block Current Season 2.1, Set all dates to use the default date format set in the Windows Control Panel Regional Settings
4. Statement 3.0 adding the preference to suppress the aging section.
5. In invoice 3.6 allowing a display of a material name when the manufacturer is not defined in the material record.
6. Invoice Charge and Area Summary 1.9 Handling a split of 100% to 0%
Report Version 4.26 5/17/2001
1. Adding Application Summary report that lists the material applied by application by block.
Report Version 4.25 5/15/2001
1. Invoice 3.5 Including pilot name when no license is defined.
Report Version 4.24 5/11/2001
1. Invoice 3.4 Correction of a bug that did not include the pilot when Use information was on second page.
Report Version 4.23 4/26/2001
1. Invoice Summary 2.0 Improvement of external look.
2. Invoice 3.3 Use report 2.5 Increasing rate accuracy to 3 decimals.
3. Statement 2.9 Allowing the inclusion or not of Block information.
Report Version 4.22 4/24/2001
1. Adding the Plane Starts and Take offs report.
2. Payment All Data 1.5, Summary 1.5, Removal of erased records from the report.
3. Improving the way the program removes leading spaces from references and names.
Report Verson 4.21 4/23/2001
1. Invoice 3.1 Correction of operator ID.
2. Operation All Data 1.7 adding the balance due.
3. Application Summary Site Expense 2.4 Correcting total planted area when it has both materials and charges.
Report Version 4.20 4/6/2001
1. Application Summary Reports 2.2 removal of a fraction of a line.
2. CA Monthly 2.3 increasing the space available to the treated blocks.
3. Invoice 2.9. Adding operator ID to invoices without applications and omitting county and year for operations outside of California
Report Version 4.13 4/4/2001
1. Invoice 2.8 adding the pest to the use part in all cases. Adding EPA number for invoices that are not based on application.
Report Version 4.12 4/3/2001
1. Correction of error message on update.
Report Version 4.11 3/29/2001
1. Commission Statement Report 1.8 Removing the total charges from all reports.
Report Version 4.10 3/19/2001
1. Dot report 1.8 moving the references to the bottom of the report.
Report Version 4.09 3/9/2001
1. Application Income Vs Expenses Correction of misspelling.
2. Invoice adding the details of a 0 invoice.
3. State Report CT RUP 1.1 sorting data by completion date.
Report Version 4.08 3/7/2001
1. New Report CT RUP which includes the Connecticut Application Record for Restricted-Use Pesticide.
Report Version 4.07 3/2/2001
1. Dot 1.7 Correction of misspelling
Report Version 4.06 2/26/2001
1. Statement 2.7 allowing for 4 digit decimal accuracy in unit cost, inclusion of details when invoice does not have an application.
2. Material Price List 1.4 addition of the full name and the containers.
3. Charge Price List 1.3 adding of the full name.
4. Commission Detailed Statement 1.7 adding the site and the block to the description.
5. Income Vs. Expense 1.2 overall improvement
Report Version 4.05 2/22/2001
1. Invoice Tax Summary 1.1 including all invoices not only those that are taxed.
2. Statement Balance 2.6 correction of amount invoiced and amount paid.
3. Invoice Summary Unpaid 1.7 removal of underlines.
Report Version 4.04 02/16/2001
1. New report in the Invoice part when the Material billing is included, Tax Summary. This report includes all the tax from a given period of time including a total it can be used to total the sales tax.
Report Version 4.03 02/07/2001
1. Application CA NOI and CA Use 2.3 When the Non Crop Module is included adding the parameter
Include Non-Crop Applications. The options are Yes both crop and Non-crop application are included.
No no Non-Crop Applications (Only crop applications) and Only only Non-Crop applications.
(A Crop Appllication has in the Non-Crop Code the item Crop Applications or no value.
2. In use part of the invoice program use the planted area of the block instead of the site.
Report Version 4.02 02/06/2001
1. In the Harvest Module Adding a new report "By Season" it gives totals and averages of harvest yield and price in terms of weight yield unit and price for each season.
2. Application Grouped By Block 2.1 When the Harvest Module is included adding the harvest information.
3. Block Current Season 1.9 Correction of Bill To field.
4. Inventory Transaction 1.9 Correction of Inventory Column
5. Statement 2.5 Adding a parameter that allows the suppression of statement with zero balance.
Report Version 4.01 01/21/2001
1. Statement Details 2.4 Adding the invoice comment (which includes split information) and names of blocks and completion date.
2. In the Invoice part adding a new report of Breakdown of Materials by supplier.
3. Invoice 2.4 Adding the measurements (windspeed,temperature etc.)
Report Version 4.00 1/15/2000
1. PCA Recommendation 3.0 Adding the option of including the Work Order Comment.
2. CA Use Report 2.2 Creating several use report when blocks of the same application are completed at different days.
3. Statement 2.3 Showing zeroes when invoice or payments are 0. Add the option of including measurements in detailed statements.
4. Application Blocks Summary 1.9 including all the blocks of an application.
5. Statement Aging Report 1.9 Eliminating all lines with only 0 values.
6. Inventory Transaction 1.8 Correction of line doubles when selecting single material.
7. Inventory Center Inventory Balance 1.5 Allowing selection of individual materials.
8. Invoice Summary 1.6 Suppressing total of service charge and total of invoices if all lines are of the same type.
RePORT 76,234,116,86,129,225
1. Ca Monthly 2.1 Properly Suppressing Block Information according to the preferences and correctly including blocks.
Report Version 3.91 10/3/2000
1. Statement Details 2.1 adding sales tax details with material billing.
2. Material 1.6 removing decimals from reentry and harvest intervals.
3. With the Spanish module adding Spanish to the following reports: Equipment Employee Summary, Equipment Grouped by Employee, Federal Restricted Use Pesticide, Federal Worker Protection Standards, Grouped by Block, Grouped by Charge, Grouped by Expense, Grouped by Expense Type, Grouped by Material, Grouped by Measurement, Grouped by Pest, Ingredient Details, Ingredient Totals, PCA Recommendation, Pest Control Notice, Summary Block Expense, Summary Crop Expense, Summary Expense Block, Summary Expense Crop, Summary Expense Owner, Summary Expense Season, Summary Expense Site, Summary Expense Variety, Summary Owner Expense, Summary Season Expense, Summary Site Expense, Summary Variety Expense, Work Order
4. Invoice report 2.3 replacing the operation memo with the invoice memo
5. Modem Transfer 2.5 improving the handling of applications done by applicator other than the owner.
Report Version 3.9 10/1/2000
Tiger Jill reports in Spanish.
Report Version 3.85 9/19/2000
1. Non Crop Monthly 1.6 Correction of total number of application when grouped by owner.
Report Version 3.84 9/15/2000
1. Updating all reports to handle changes in County Table Structure:
Report Version 3.83 9/15/2000
1. Block Allowed Harvest 1.6 Allowed Reentry 1.6: Excluding deleted records from the report.
2. Replaced Records 1.8 Making sure that duplicate replaced recrods are included in the report.
3. Harvest All Data, Replaced Records 1.4 Adding sorting by Harvest Reference.
Report Version 3.82 9/13/2000
1. Equipment Grouped By 1.2, Equipment Employee 1.2, Adding the Totals Only Parameter.
Report Version 3.81 9/12/2000
1. Block Current Season 1.6 Increasing the size of Area Total adding a selection by crop.
Report Version 3.80 9/9/2000
1. Invoice 2.1 Correction of inclusion selection.
Report Version 3.79 9/6/2000
1. Application Material Limit 1.4 Correction of the report to reflect the correct crop limit.
2. Application Block Summary 1.4, Grouped By Charge 1.4, Grouped By Expense 1.4, Grouped by expense Type 1.5, Grouped by Measurement 1.3, Application Ingredient Details 1.3, Application RUP 1.6, WPS 1.5 Changing from group by Block Name to Group By Owner Site Block
Report Version 3.78 9/06/2000
1. Application Shipper Packer Report 1.5 Changing the grouping from Block to Owner-Site-Block.
2. Block Allowed Harvest and Reentry 1.5 ,Block All Data 1.4, Block Current Season 1.4 Adding Selection by variety.
Report Version 3.77 8/17/2000
1. Block Season Validity 1.2 General redesign of the report.
2. Application Material Limit & Detail 1.3 General Redesign of the Report.
3. California Monthly 1.8 improving the handling of several completion dates in one report.
4. Harvest Validity 1.4, Application Validity 1.3 redesign of reports.
5. Application Grouped by block 1.5 adding the variety.
Report Version 3.76 8/10/2000
1. CA Monthly Version 1.8 by commodity and section 1.5: changing year to 4 digits.
2. CA Non Crop Monthly 1.2 removing the comma from the year.
3. Purchase Grouped by Material 1.3 By Inventory Center 1.3 Adding the container information.
4. Shipper Packer Report 1.4 speeding up the report production.
Report Version 3.75 8/8/2000
1. CA Monthly Version 1.7 Exclusion of deleted applications from the report.
2. CA monthly by commodity and section 1.4 exclusion of non crop applications from the report.
Report Version 3.74 8/7/2000
1. NOI USE 1.7 Improvement of handling nurseries.
2. Modem transfer 2.1 better handling of division by zero issues.
Report Version 3.73 7/25/2000
1. Introduction of the Residue Analysis Report.
Report Version 3.72 7/25/2000
1. Addition of the Application Type Summary report which gives the area included in each application type.
Report Version 3.71 7/19/2000
1. Inventory Transaction Report 1.5. Correction of handling of invoices.
2. Invoice All Data 1.6 Aging summary 1.7 Charge and Area Detail 1.4 etc. Adding selection by inventory center.
3. Application Grouped by Charge 1.3 Correction of selection error (515)
4. Application Summary 1.7 improvement of lines
Report Version 3.70 6/11/2000
1. Adding Selection By Material and charge to group by report
Report Version 3.69 6/9/2000
1. CA Non Crop 1.1 Removal of new line after new non crop code.
2. Inventory Center Balance 1.2 Adding selection by material and expanding the value column.
Report Version 3.66 6/2/2000
1. CA Modem Transfer Report 2.0 adding the ability to use slashes in Site ID.
2. Application Grouped By Block 1.5, By Expense 1.4, By Expense Type 1.4, By Pest 1.3, Summary 1.8 Adding Selection by charge and charge type
Report Version 3.65 5/31/2000
1. Application RUP Log correction of the total material used.
2. Inventory Movement 1.4 Adding 3 methods for calculating inventory value Average, Last Material record.
3. Invoice Reports correcting record dates and selections
Report Version 3.64 6/01/2000
1. Adding Equipment Employee Summary
2. Adding Equipment Grouped By Employee
3. Adding Equipment Grouped By Equipment
4. Adding Equipment Grouped By Owner
Report Version 3.62 5/21/2000
1. Summary of Aging 1.7 Correction of error in the first line of any page.
Report Version 3.61 5/11/2000
1. Applications Grouped by Material 1.4 Correction of units.
Report Version 3.60 5/10/2000
1. CA Monthly 1.6, CA Modem Transfer 1.9 , CA NOI USE 1.6, CA Non Crop 1.0, Multiple Site Commodity 1.4 Improvement of selection of only materials that are of Reportable Material Types and of the explanation when the report is empty.
2. Invoice 1.7 Adding the capability of suppressing the use report.
Report Version 3.59 5/1/2000
1. Application RUP 1.4 Correction for applications where more than one block is included and where the restricted material is not the first material.
2. Work Order PCA 2.4 Correction of the fax number.
Report Version 3.58 4/27/2000
1. Statement 1.5 using Block alias.
2. Invoice 1.6 using Block alias.
3. PCA & Work Order 2.2, Improving WPS messages and distinction between Federally restricted and State restricted materials.
4. Shipper Packer 1.3 To speed up the report Removal of selection by PCA, Inventory Center, Reason,Supervisor, Supplier, BillTo.
5. Inventory Transactions 1.3 When materials are removed from inventory only when application is completed the date in application movement from an application is the completion date.
Report Version 3.57 4/26/2000
1. Federal WPS 1.4 Removal of duplicate lines.
Report Version 3.56 4/14/2000
1. CA Modem Tranfer include License number only when created by an applicator.
Report Version 3.55 4/10/2000
1. Group by measurement 1.2 Adding a total line.
Report Version 3.54 3/28/2000
1. CA Modem Transfer 1.5 Always including license number.
2. Invoice Statement 1.2 Improving selection of items.
Report Version 3.53 3/21/2000
1 Invoice Report 1.3 Improvement of Operator ID item
2. PCA and Work order 2.0 adding the Identifier to references.
3. Application Summary 1.4 Changing the font to 9 to make the fields wider.
4. Application All Data 1.5, Invoice All Data 1.3, Increasing the accuracy of Unit cost to 4 digits.
Report Version 3.52 3/17/2000
1. Modem Transfer 1.3, Correcting reports that exclude non reportable materials.
2. Aging Summary Report 1.2 Adding a column for the Service Charges.
3. NO Use Report 1.4 Modem Transfer 1.4 Correction of Total Material Calculations
Report Version 3.51 3/14/2000
1. Current Season Report 1.2 Correcting to show the details of each season not only the site total.
2. Invoice Charge And Area Detail And Summary 1.2 Correcting Error 515 when selecting the owner.
Report Version 3.50 3/10/2000
1. Work Order 1.9 Replacing the program completion note with a complete user defined note in the File|Supervisor Headers and Footers|Work Order Completion Note.
Report Version 3.49 3/9/2000
1. PCA and Work order 1.8 Adding more lines.
Report Version 3.48 3/7/2000
1. NOI Use Report 1.3, Modem Transfer 1.3 Improvement of Total Material calculations.
2. Monthly report 1.3, minor cosmetic changes.
Report Version 3.47 3/6/2000
1. PCA and Work order 1.7 Correcting the inclusion of the material text at the end of the report.
2. Invoice Summary Report 1.2 Adding sorting by date, updating definition of paid & unpaid to handle credits.
Report Version 3.46 3/1/2000
1. PCA and Work order 1.6. Adding the option to group the blocks by site using 2 columns. The selection is determined by the preference of the PCA or Work order Report "Groups Block By Sites (N,1,2)" N means don't group the blocks by sites, 1 means group them using 1 column and 2 means group them using 2 columns.
2. Pest Control Notice 1.1 Improvement of the report.
Report Version 3.45 2/25/2000
1. Pest Control Notice 1.0. New report included with PCA and Work Order modules. It meets the requirements of CCR 6618 and 6619 for Ag. Production PCO's
2. PCA and Work order 1.5.
a. If Office phone is not given for grower showing the Home phone number,
b. Adding the tank size to the header of the column,
c. Verifying that all the WPS items show even when they overflow to another line,
d. Adding to the work order a completion notice.
Report Version 3.44 2/25/2000
1. PCA and Work order 1.4. correction to show the banding width.
Report Version 3.43 2/18/2000
1. Correction of time format when between 12 pm to 1 pm.
Report Version 3.39 1/24/99
1. Improvement of the DOT Single Report.
2. Introduction of the DOT Multiple report.
3. Adding the Material Form Report.
Report Version 3.38 1/5/2000
1. Application All 1.1 Adding the Validity information to the Application Data report.
2. Adding the Replaced Records report to the harvest part.
3. Application Work Order PCA Recommendation 1.1. Improving Show water volume, WPS messages and Posting Restricted message.
4. Addition of a Current Season Report to the Block part. It gives a one line summary for each current season including the Site ID, Area, Crop, Variety etc.
5. Adding a unique report version to each report to better track and document changes to individual reports.
6. In the invoice report with material billing when containers are used the line for each material includes the Number of containers, the container name, the cost of a single container and the total cost.
7. In the Inventory Center adding a material balance report.
8. In the Employee Exposure by Material and by Family Reports correction of the total calculation.
9. Invoice All Data Report Ver 1.0 Adding the payment information
Report Version 3.31 12/16/99
1. In the PCA Recomendation and Work Order adding the active ingredient if specified in the Preference|Report Tab.
2. In the work order adding the Crew, and items to the work order after the job summary these items include: Start date and start time. Wind direction, Wind Run and Temperature.
3. In the statement report adding the application identifier to the invoice description.
4. Combining the Monthly report with the Monthly By site to a single report with a parameter.
5. Improving the Summary and Group By reports.
6. Changes in the invoice report: Reducing the size of the header giving more control to the height of the report header, showing the charge unit used, removing the line of total charges if the material billing is not included.
7. In the Invoice, Noi, Use, Work Order and PCA reports in the schematic map replacing the crop name with the crop full name (the crop name may have the leading dot (like .Alfalfa) the full name does not.
Report Version 3.30 12/13/99
1. In the block validity report adding the violation field.
Report Version 3.29 12/9/99
1. Preventing division by 0 error in the application reports of "Summary" and "Group by".
2. Adding the hour and minute of report printing.
3. Correction of the work order and PCA report to include wps messages and eliminate schematic map.
Report Version 3.23 11/24/99
1. Improvement in the Application Ingredient Detail and Application Ingredient Total reports.
Report Version 3.22 11/16/99
1. Summary Application Expense: Improvement of the Planted area average calculations.
2. Application Grouped By Charge: Improvement of the Planted area average calculations.
3. Adding the capability to include a map or not in the work order or PCA Recommendation reports
4. In the Interval module improving the Allowed Reentry and Allowed Harvest Reports.
5. Redesign of the following reports: Summary Owner Expense, Summary Site Expense, Summary Block Expense, Summary Season Expense, Summary Crop Expense, Summary Variety Expense.
6. In the Invoice report, adding the Application Identifer if used.
7. In the Invoice report, adding the correction and its message.
Report Version 3.21 11/15/99
1. Returning the Summary Owner Expense Report.
2. Correction of the Price List RePORT 69,106,179,131,132,114
Version 3.15 9/29/99
1. In the Harvest reports allowing the Violation and Justification fields to grow.
2. In the Harvest Report specifications adding the Block, Site, Owner, Grade, and Quality to the selection screen.
3. In the Block Report removing the Block Harv Report.
Report Version 3.14 9/24/99
1. In the reports Grouped by Material, Expense, Measurement, Charge and Pest adding a parameter for defining the first column of the report. See Report Specifications.
2. Adding parameters to the Summary Block Expense. See Report Specifications.
3. In the crop report adding the Measurement Analysis and Harvest Analysis information.
4. The following reports were consolidated respectfully to use the parameter options: Arizona 1080,CA Modem Transfer (NOI & CA Use), PCA Recommendation (signed and blank),Invoice Overview (paid, unpaid and all), Invoice Summary (paid, unpaid and all), Commission Statement Detail (show customer charges Y or N). See Report Specifications.
Report Version 3.11 9/16/99
1. In Invoice Summary report when Service charge module is included adding a distinction between service charges and all other invoices.
2. In all the reports adding to the header or footer the date when the report was produced.
3. Adding the PCA Recommendation (Signed) report to be used when faxing reports directly from the program.
4. Correction of the monthly reports to include application where the Noncrop Code is set to Crop Application.
5. Correction of the monthly noncrop report to exclude applications where the Noncrop Code is set to Crop Application.
Report Version 3.08 9/1/99
1. The capability of having Multiple Selection Criteria choices on a single report. SEE FAQ #16 For more details.
2. In Invoice Summary report removal of owners that have no lines.
3. In the Statement increasing the size of the date field.
4. In the Inventory Transactions report correction of the bug that did not show transactions that were not a part from which the report was run, for example did not show purchases when the report was run from the application part.
Report Version 3.07 8/29/99
1. In the invoice summaries adding a count of the number of invoices included.
2. In the Statement Detail report, correction of the amount paid for each invoice in the detail of a payment.
3. In the Invoice Use RePORT 76,234,116,86,129,225
tor ID when different from the bill to and increasing the size of the date/time applied to handle a 4 digit format.
Report Version 3.06 8/24/99
1. Correction of the PCA and Work order report including WPS messages from the different materials.
Report Version 3.05 8/19/99
1. Improvement of lines in the PCA Report.
2. Inclusion of Material Type All Data Report.
Report Version 3.04 8/16/99
1. Monthly report: Correcting the header when additional pages of the same site id.
2. Purchase Reports: Correction of a Crpe32 DateRange Formula error message.
Report Version 3.03 8/6/99
1. Application Ingredient report correction of the accumulated rate.
2. Invoice Summary report correction of the accumulated amounts.
Report Version 3.02 8/5/99
1. Adding the Commission Statement Detail (Charges) report which shows the customer charges and the commission percentage on which the commission is based.
Report Version 3.01 7/2/99
1. Adding footer to identify report version, to Pest Control Recommendation, Work Order, Invoices and Statements.
Report Version 3.00 7/2/99
1. Adding the phone numbers and fax numbers to the PCA Recommendations, Work Order, Invoices and Statements.
2. Correction of a bug that did not match the right owners with the invoice when a date range selection was made.
3. Added a Balance Summary report to the invoice and payment parts.
4. Improvements to all billing reports.
5. In the Application part added the report Grouped by Blocks (no cost) which includes the information of the Grouped by Block report without the cost columns.
6. In the Application part All Data report adding selections by the Material Form, Toxicity and Family.
7. In the Application part Block Summary report adding the same selection as in All Data report.
Report Version 2.96 6/9/99
1. Adjusted width of columns in Statement Aging Summary.
2. Modified Commission Statement to show aged amounts for each employee.
3. Added Material Inventory report. This report lists current inventory of materials and is generated from the Material Record screen.
4. Correction of bug that did not print the block name on the CA Monthly report if there were non-reportable materials listed on the Application Record.
5. Added to all reports the header to show the user's current versions of the code, reports, and help.
6. In the application reports, adding selection by charges, charge type and person.
7. In the application reports change of the personnel report to Crew and adding a selection by the person name.
8. With the Employee exposure module adding report selections of Material, Material Toxicity and Material Family when choosing a report in Person Records that is associated with exposure to materialion 2.96 6/9/99
1. Adjusted width of columns in Statement Aging Summary.
2. Modified Commission Statement to show aged amounts for each employee.
3. Added Material Inventory report. This report lists current inventory of materials and is generated from the Material Record screen.
4. Correction of bug that did not print the block name on the CA Monthly report if there were non-reportable materials listed on the Application Record.
5. Added to all reports the header to show the user's current versions of the code, reports, and help.
6. In the application reports, adding selection by charges, charge type and person.
7. In the application reports change of the personnel report to Crew and adding a selection by the person name.
8. With the Employee exposure module adding report selections of Material, Material Toxicity and Material Family when choosing a report in Person Records that is associated with exposure to materials.
9. In Block Records adding the Season, Harvest, and Permit reports.