11.16 12/05/2011
1. Add a correction procedure: "Set Invoice Date to End of the Month"
11.15 11/16/2011
1. Update of error messages sent when using the web service to report to California Ag-Commissioners. (oeWebService
2. All transmissions to Cal Ag Permits are creating a trace.
3. All configurations register Web Service Dll.
11.14 11/14/2011
1. Update of error messages sent when using the web service to report to California Ag-Commissioners. (oeWebService
11.13 10/25/2011
1. Correction of an error that created multiple empty lines in the invoice comment.
11.12 10/06/2011
1. Correction of access violation error when running inventory reconciliation.
2. When the CEDTS module is included allowing for registration of the dlls.
11.11 9/22/2011
1. Correction of error 216, Changes in Linker Map file Off, Compiler Code generation Optimaization Aligned record fields, Stack frames, Pentium Save FDIV
2. When creating an invoice for split billing where more than one block is used correcting the invoice message so it will not include the same message twice.
1. In Vineyard management module changed the base for a work order from the target yield to the projected yield.
11.09 9/3/2011
1. Correction of error 216 when exiting a program that runs on Windows 7.
2. With the Yield Estimate Module adding a procedure to recalculate the projected yield when the user changes the items that affect it in the block record.
a. The items are:
1)Vines per Acre
2) Percent Stand
3) Average Cluster Weight
4) Clusters per Vine
5) Clusters per Bud
6) Buds per Vine.
b. When any combination of items 1) to 4) are changed the program will calculated the Projected Yield using the formulas:Projected Yield := Clusters per Vine * Average Cluster Weight *Percent Stand * Vines per Acre * Conversion from Lb. to Ton.
c. When any combination of items 5) or 6) is changed the program will recalculate the number of Clusters per Vine using the formula of Clusters per Vine := Clusters per Bud * Buds per Vine. Then it will recalculate the Projected Yield using the formula in b.
d. Before any calculation the program will ask the user if he wants to recalculate the Projected Yield.
2. With the Yield Estimate Module adding a New Measurement Type: Projected Yield
a. The measurement includes only one item: Projected Yield.
b. When the program reads the measurement it updates in the block record the Projected Yield. It does not change any other item.
3. Corrected the CalAg Permits website address
11.08 8/30/2011
1. With the Yield Estimate Module adding measurement record Projected Yield
11.07 8/18/2011
1. Adding the Cal Ag Permits web transmission option
11.06 8/2/2011
1. Including the growth factor in the cluster weight saved in the block record so following cluster count measurement will improve the projection.
11.05 7/7/2011
1. Correction of Crop Estimate Calculation by Total Cluster Weight
11.04 7/6/2011
1. Correction of the procedure to import material database update.
11.03 6/29/2011
1. Correction of Dilution Volume calculation when importing from Pocket.
11.02 6/20/2011
1. Correction of an error that did not create automatic export files.
11.01 6/14/2011
1. In Material Record changing the Active (y/n) input field to In-Use. This field determines if the material is used in California
2. Increased the size of the link in the internet table of the materials.
11.00 03/15/2011
1. Introducing two types of Applications:
a) Rate Based ("Rate Based' is Yes)
b) Dilution Based ("Rate Based" is No)
This facilitates making a distinction between calculating the material amounts (Total, Per Tank etc.) from the rate and Dilution per 100 gallon.
a) Rate Based applications are used when materials are applied to large areas like open fields the total amount of material applied is based on the rate per acre and the area treated
The user enters the rate per acre and the program calculates the total material required by multiplying the rate per acre by the total treated area. For example when a material is applied at 2 lb per acre over 100 acres the total material used is 200 lbs.
b) Dilution Based (Rate Based is No) Applications are used when materials are applied to an unknown area like application in a green house or non crop application, or when the material in a rate based application is an adjuvant. The total amount of material applied is based the dilution per 100 gallons and the total amount of dilution volume. The user enters the dilution per 100 gallons and the total dilution volume and the program calculates the to total material required by multiplying dilution per 100 by the total dilution volume divided by 100. For example when a material is applied at 3 oz per 100 gallons and the total dilution volume is 500 the total material used is 15 oz.
2. Material Record: Added Rate Based Input Field. When the program updates the database all adjuvants have their rate based set to "N" all other materials have their Rate Based is set to "Y".
3. Application Record: Added Rate Based Input field to the record. When the program updates the database all the applications have their Rate based set to "Y".
4. Preferences: In the Volume Tab added a preference "Application Default Is Rate Based (N Means Dilution Based)" Default is set to Y.
5. When the user adds a new record the Rate Based field is determined by the new preference
6. Each Line in the Material Grid of the Application Record: Added a Rate Based field. When the Application is Dilution Based ("Rate Based" is N) All the lines are set to Rate Based N. When the Application is Rate Base Materials that are Dilution Based (Like Adjuvants) are set to "N" all others are set to "Y"
7. Application Record: Changed the name of the current Dilution Field to "Dilution Rate" and added the "Dilution Volume" which is the total amount of dilution (water) used in the application. When the user changes the Dilution Rate the program recalculates the Dilution Volume and vice versa.
8. When the application is Dilution Base("Rate Based" is N) (Like green house application or non crop) the user is required to enter the Dilution Volume only and the Dilution per 100 gal of each material. The Dilution Rate and the material rate are calculated from those values.
9. Correcting the initial material rate when the "Area Unit" in the Application record is different then the "Rate Limit Area Unit" in the material record.
10.23 2/8/2011
1. Correction of an error that under certain conditions when duplicating an application and replacing a site was clearing the entire screen.
2. Correction of an error that did not handle correctly the cancel selection of an error message displayed when the user replaced the one and only block in an application with another block that had a different crop.
3. Adding to the preference backup tab an option of "Read Only Database" when it is set to yes changes can not be made to the database.
4. When the user wants to add a new Inventory Reconciliation the program perform an automatic rebuild of inventories. The rebuilt occurs only the first time a new record add during a session.
5. Added a File >> Supervisor >> Correction option of "Recalculate Amounts from Rate" this option recalculates for all the applications all the material values related to rate of Total, Tank Amount, Dilution per 100 gal.
10.22 1/27/2011
1. Correction of an error that gave an I/O error when exporting purchases to QuickBooks.
10.21 1/25/11
1. Adding an accounting preference when exporting to QuickBooks of "Remove Memos" when it is set to yes the program does not export the memos to QuickBooks.
10.20 12/31/10
1. Added Lot Number to purchase, invoices and application record when inventory module is included. They are used at the material and planting grid.
2. With the client module added an option for keeping track of all the records that are changed during a session. When the user exits the program the program will export all the items that were changed.
3. Improving the procedure of inventory movements of the seeds.
4. Removed the preference option of Automatic Update to accounting
10.16 11/09/2010
1. In the application record if there are no materials don’t require reentry and harvest intervals.
2. Added an Application Preference "Lock Total Unit" in the Application Tab. When it is set to Y the user can not modify the total unit in the material grid of the Application, Purchase and Invoice screens.
10.15 11/05/2010
1. In the application record when the record is Vineyard Management Harvest record don’t require reentry and harvest interval.
10.14 10/13/10
1. In the harvest record when the net weight of the ticket changes the program updates the Total Weight field.
2. In Preferences >> Defaults, added a default for the weight unit of the harvest record.
3. Added additional computation when exiting input fields in the harvest record. When exiting the average yield recomputes the total yield, exiting the yield recomputed average yield, exiting total weight recomputes average weight.
4. In the Year End Closing procedure closing also seed application and inventory.
5. Correcting the procedure to import from Pocket Jill.
10.13 8/23/2010
1. In the data year closing adding an option of "Erase Unpaid Invoices in Closed Period". This makes it possible for users that are not recording payments in the program to also erase the invoices when they close the year.
2. In the data year closing adding an option of "Erase Unpaid Commissions in Closed Period" This makes it possible for users that are not recording commission payments in the program to erase the commissions when they close the year.
3. In the data year closing adding an option of "Erase All Blocks". This makes it possible to permanently erase all blocks that don’t have applications beyond the closed period.
4. With Vineyard Management module when saving an application set the correct actual yield in the season record considering the completion date. If completion date changes to empty recalculate actual yield.
10.12 8/23/2010
1. In the Block Season grid, adding a picking method of "C" which is Charged hand pick. When this method is selected the hand pick charge is added to the work order.
10.11 8/3/10
1. Adding Accounting Interface format 3 sending data to MAS 500.
2. The data is being sent to SQL database. The connection string is defined in the File Name.
3. Correcting an error that did not allow adding user defined commissions.
10.10 7/23/10
1. Correction of the way the program responds to a No as the answer to "Do You Really want to Terminate?" when loading the program.
2. Adding a selection to the procedure for setting the proposed start date to the completion date.
3. Added a Default Preference option "Pending When Created from Application". Its value is used to set the Pending flag when an invoice is created from an application.
4.When line number is accessible in a grid and the user has an empty line and presses the enter or tab key the cursor moves to the next item on the screen or next tab.
10.09 7/7/2010
1. In the Application Screen added the capability of setting the order of the lines in the material, charge and block grids by changing the line numbers. Two lines cannot have the same line number.
2. Correction an error that set the wrong Commissionable and Chargeable to charge items when the user changed data folders and did not restart the program.
3. Updated Doane web service to handle the changes in the block season record.
4. Updated CDMS Web Service to handle the change in the block season record.
5. Improved to XML export procedures.
1. Added load clear buttons to the memo and invoice comment to the Operation record.
2. In the Application Screen added the capability of setting the order of the lines in the material charge and block grids by changing the line numbers. Two lines cannot have the same line number.
10.07 6/9/2010
1.Corrected multiple saving of automatic export to Quickbooks.
10.06 5/18/2010
1.Adding the tip of the day to be handled by the /H program parameter.
10.05 5/10/10
1. Correction of error when an application creating an invoice was imported it marked the exported item on the invoice screen.
2. Correction of error when application that required usage of the material price when imported did not calculate the correct total amount.
3. Correction of an error that did not keep the current block when a change was made to an item in the season and the record was saved.
4. Added a help parameter (/H) for running the program it specifies the location of the help file. It can be used on a client of the network installed on a Windows Vista operating system. For example if the Help file resides on C:\Jill.win\Help the program shortcut will be "jill.exe /H=C:\Jill.win\Help".
5. Correction of an error that did not save an empty grid when emptied with "empty grid" button.
10.04 2/18/2010
1. Actual yield in block is total not average per acre.
2. When closing the year or adding a new season the projected yield is past season actual divided by the area,.
3. When adding a new season and crop is annual empty the planting date.
4. Correction of an error that emptied the date when the user clicked on a menu item like CDMS check in the application screen.
5. Relaxing the minimum interval between application check when the last two applications were partial area applications. If in the last two applications of the block the total area was less than or equal the total area the program does not raise a minimum interval flag assuming that the treated area at each application was different.
10.03 2/17/2010
1. When the operation country is defined city, state, zip are not required.
10.02 2/9/2010
1. In export of inventory items to Famous don’t export the material if inventory center is using the record identifier and the inventory center record identifier does not have a value.
2. Add alias for Rootstock.
3. Adding alias for Application expiration date.
1.Adding a Preference to select the location of the Private Report Folder.
2.Allowing users of the Vineyard Management Module to define new Person Types.
10.00 2/2/2010
1.Adding the Vineyard Management module.
2.Changes in the block record. If using Pocket Jill program needs to update to the latest version.
9.89 1/11/2010
1. Correction of an error that did not save new application record after switching from one database to another and using the duplicate option.
2. Correction of an error that under certain conditions did not create the inventory balance forward when the year was closed.
9.87 11/17/2009
1.Correction of an error in updating the invoices after a change in an application where some of the blocks were completed and others were not completed. Before the correction the program was not updating the invoice - it was keeping the older values.
9.86 11/11/2009
1. Added a Preference Accounting option of "Detail Description" when option 2 is selected. It used as the description of the detail line in the export to Famous.
9.85 11/02/2009
1. In export to Famous of Purchases replacing the department and account GL with cost center and phase.
2. Adding a selection by manufacturer to the Application report Grouped by Material.
9.84 9/29/2009
1.Adding to the Commission Correction procedure a removal of commissions that are missing the application record that created them.
2. Adding an additional accounting export option 2. Export of purchases and applications to Famous.
9.83 8/13/2009
1. Exposing the Material Common Name menu item when the Label Verification is included.
2. Correcting the error message when trying to change a crop in the block season grid and an application is in the recycle bin.
9.82 8/7/2009
1. Correction of the procedure to update the 9.80 database
9.81 8/3/2009
1. Correction of the Operation Type menu selection.
9.80 7/29/2009
1. Adding a material check of minimum interval between applications.
2. When checking material limits including all generic forms of the same material.
3. Increasing the width of the Material Mix name.
4. In application record adding an option of finding records by proposed date.
9.72 6/22/2009
1. In the CDMS module adding a check that removes nulls.
2. Resolving errors associated with importing data with the connectivity module.
9.71 6/8/2009
1.Adding the "Connect to Support Center" in the Tiger Update program.
9.70 6/1/2009
1. Corrected the export materials to Orange Enterprises
9.69 5/18/2009
1. In the Purchase record adding the option of charging tax. When a record becomes a transfer the tax is set to 0. But the user can change it.
9.68 3/28/2009
1. Adding receiving stations to the items that are included in the Bill-To lookup field of the Block Season Grid.
2. In the Payment Record in the find remove the second paid by column.
9.67 3/1/2009
1. Database version
2. When changes the unit of "per" in the material active ingredient recalculates the content.
3. Change link to California Label web site to http://apps.cdpr.ca.gov/label/
9.66 2/06/2009
1. When importing Pocket Jill files the program imports only files starting with the name "FromHandHeld"
2. Increasing the width of the applicaton method in the Application Record.
9.65 1/29/2009
1. With the CDMS module handling database created by other users.
2. With Connectivity and Pocket Jill module when importing from a folder the program also imports from subfolders.
9.64 1/20/2009
1. With the connectivity module added the option "Allow Record Replacement" to the Preference Connectivity Tab. When set to N it prevents overwriting upon import of existing record.
9.63 1/16/2009
1. In year end closing removal of Inventory Reconciliation records.
2. When adding a new Inventory Reconciliation removal of the duplicate button.
3. In Famous Interface file adding the treated area of a block to the comments.
9.62 1/15/2009
1. In network environment not allowing a backup when other users are using the database.
9.61 1/7/2009
1. Adding the option of Help >> Open Support Connection that connects the support center to your computer over the internet so the support can view and if needed control your screen.
2. In Material Type setting the Included in Government Reports to a read only item that is updated by Orange
9.60 10/20/2008
1. In the Material Record Common Material name making the length of the name 50 characters
2. Correction of error messages displayed when the user loads the program for the first time.
3. Changing the location of the database temporary files.
4. Correction of an error when sending Grower Notification.
5. Updating to the latest internet access library.
6. In the report specification of the Invoice screen adding a selection by material or charges. The user can select either charges or materials, not both. If both are selected no data is included in the report.
7. On Inventory Reconciliation procedure verifying that the On Hand Purchase Record is always "not pending".
8. Adding the capability of handling the new fumigation reporting. It includes changes in the Application Method and Application Screen and reports.
9. In Data Year Closing when adding a new season, incrementing the end date.
10. In transmission to CDMS sending surrounding crop only once.
9.59 10/1/2008
1. In the Material Form report adding filtering and report selection by unit type.
2. Allowing full access to the Material Family (Setup >> Types >> Material Families)
3. In the harvest record allowing empty items in the ticket section.
9.58 9/23/2008
1.In the Application, Irrigation Grid correcting the way start time is recorded.
9.57 9/17/2008
1. Adding a comment field to the harvest quality grid. The comment makes it possible to record any parameter of interest in the harvest record and to produce complex reports that replace spreadsheets regarding the harvests.
2. With the Spray Calculator Module adding the ability to compute the time required to load and apply each load and compute how much time is required every day to complete all the proposed applications. The program adds the measurement records of: Tank Loading Time in minutes and. Tank Flow Rate: The total flow rate of the spray rig in gpm. The specific values are entered in the measurement grid of the application and a new report "Application Time" contains the results.
3. In the Application, Irrigation Grid correcting the error where the program was entering the wrong total time after a change in the start time.
9.56 7/4/2008
1. Correction of an error that did not allow adding or modifying a user record.
9.55 6/23/2008
1. Correction of the California Non Crop web application.
2. With the California Web Service module adding the capability of downloading the field data of the customers.
3. Changed the "Included in Lookups" to "Active"
4. Correction of the way the program transfers the comment from the application to the invoice.
9.54 6/20/2008
1. Correction of the inventory reconciliation procedure.
2. Correction of the way the program handles removal of materials from the inventory.
3. Adding an option to retrieve the permits from counties that have the California Web Service.
9.53 5/29/2008
1. Correcting the Non Crop option from California Web Service.
2. Adding an option to remove the dashes from the references numbers being exported to QuickBooks Interface .
3. Exporting the P.O. Number of the Invoice in Tiger Jill to the Invoice in QuickBooks.Interface
4. Adding an internet link for the CA DPR Restricted materials site.
5. When using the inventory reconciliation starting the procedure only when no other users are in the system, adding a check to verify that a corresponding purchase record was created and calculating the value based on the on hand amount.
9.52 5/19/2008
1. Changed initial database version to 22.5
2. Added Rachis Debris Factor and Berry Shrink Factor to the Yield Estimate module
3. Adding the capability of using proxy server when using the web services of CDMS, California Pesticide Use Reporting, and Doane Marketing. When a proxy server is used a file named oeProxy.txt must be present in the \Jill.win\Program folder and it should include the IP address, the port and whether the proxy is SSL or not
File structure
Line 1: IPAddress:Port [:Port is optional]
Line 2: SSL [If not an SSL no second line is required]
Example for file
9.51 5/15/2008
1. Correcting the inventory reconciliation procedure.
9.50 5/6/2008
1. Correcting the Inventory Reconciliation procedure when a purchase is a transfers.
2. In the Measurement Log screen, removal of the location counter of the Find screen.
3. Changed initial database version to 22.5
4. Changed menu options of internet upgrade to Complete (Code, Reports, Help) and Excluding Help (Code and Reports only)
5. In material record if the Label Verification module is included not allowing a change in the material form (for example liquid to solid) if data was already entered to the material limit grid. If the form has to be changed the user must empty the material limit grid before making the change.
9.49 4/8/2008
1. Including the 'Include Map' report preference.
2. In the Application Material Grid, correction of an error that did not compute the correct total amount when containers are selected and the Container Preference of "Unit Price is of One Container" set to Y
9.48 3/19/2008
1. In the screen for sending an email replacing the Save button with a Send button.
2. Adding a field of "Included in Lookups" to the Measurement Location screen.
3. Added an option to the Preference Default Tab to specify default measurement type in the application record measurement tab.
4. With Split Billing when more than one split is included in the application adding information about all the splits in the invoice.
9.47 2/20/2008
1. Change initial material database to 22.0
2. In the measurement record allowing the user to change the Type (Numeric, Descriptive,Both) of Orange provided records.
3. In the invoice record correcting the problem that occurred when a fast typing user was typing a material name.
9.46 2/7/2008
1. Correction of an error that created service charges when the customer had a credit balance.
2. Correction of an error that did not display the tank amount in the material grid of the application screen when the Irrigation Module is included in the configuration and the irrigation amount is entered as flow rate.
3. Adding an invoice re-calculation when saving an invoice.
9.45 1/28/2008
1. Adding header to material, charge and container dropdowns.
2. In export to accounting by selection improving the way it handles a selection by records that were not transferred.
9.44 1/21/2008
1. Improving the speed of importing records.
2. When adding a new site the area unit is set to the major area unit.. For example Acres, 1000 Square feet or hectars
3. Correcting and improving the way the program handles the Inventory Reconciliation. Adding an option to zero all the Total On Hand of materials for which a value in teh Total On Hand was not defined by the user.
4. Including the Ship To field in the application when the Billing Module is included
5. Improving the way the program handles State restricted materials. Before the change only California Restricted Materials triggered a flag on the screen. Now any material that is marked restricted in the state tab of the material record with the same state defined in the selected selected owner of the Application record will trigger a flag of State Restricted.
NEW Scheduling Module 1/21/2008
This powerful new feature is part of the Scheduling Module. When you turn on the program it displays reminders of all the activities you currently need to execute
The reminders consist of reports you select from the Application part of the Program. You can select as many reminders you need for any given time period (today, this week, this month.)
You can select any report for any date range option available, such as Proposed Start Date, Completion Date, Record Entry Date, and even further define specific date ranges that include Month, Current Day, Current 7 Days, Current Month, Last Day, Last 7 days, etc.
An example of an ideal Reminder setup includes the reports Application Summary, Work Order and Mix Report for today.
9.43 1/21/2008
1. Adding the ability to add multiple varieties to a single application. The user is now allowed to access the Variety data field and replace the existing variety. When the user exits the Variety input field he is asked if he wants to add all the blocks that belong to this variety and if he selects Yes all the blocks that grow the variety are added to the block grid.
2. Improving the way the program imports to the material database.
9.42 1/16/2008
1.Adding option 5 to the Preference Reports Tab option "Group by Site". It includes one line for each site and for each group of blocks with the same variety and displays the variety name and the number of blocks in parenthesis.
9.41 1/14/2008
1. Correction of an error in year end closing.
2. Correction of an error that did not allow the modification of the material cost.
3. Adding a new report with the Barcode module Location Barcode Labels. This report can be used to produce labels that can be attached to location of measurements in the field like pest traps.
9.40 1/11/2008
1. New Module Barcode Scanning. This module makes it possible to produce barcode reports the blocks, locations and measurements. Those reports can be used with Pocket Jill to expedite the data reading in the fields. It is done by using a barcode reader instead of entering the data manually.
2. Correction of an error that created negative line numbers in the Application material grid.
3. Expanding the data in the Location screen to include the following additional items: Ranch, Site, Block, Longitude, Latitude, Depth and Unit Depth. When the user enters the Location in the Measurement Log record the program fills up the additional items. This expedite data entry when recording measurement log. When the user use Pocket Jill to record measurements the ability to use the Location and the Barcode readers expedites data entry.
9.39 1/3/2008
1. Improving the messages produced by an expired and about to expire trial version.
2. Upgrading of the web service procedures to dot net framework 2.0.
3. Improving the year end procedure to secure that all grid lines start with line number 1
9.38 1/1/2008
1. Correcting the year end procedure when only new seasons are added.
9.37 1/1/2008
1. Correcting an error that did not update invoices when charges were added to an application..
9.36 1/1/2008
1. Correcting the way the program displays the variety of the current season in the block record when the multi block module is not included and a different crop is set at the Site Crop.
2. With the Scheduling Module adding the option to display reminders. The user can set the option on the Preference General Tab "Show Reminder on program launch" The reminder can also be accessed by a menu option of the Tools and on the Application screen.
3. In different screens displaying a 0 value instead of leaving the field empty.
4. Increasing and improving the Date Range selection as follows: Current includes Today, Current Month, Current Year, Current 7 Days, Current 30 Days,Current 365 Days.Last includes Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 365 Days. Next includes Tomorrow, Next 7 Days, Next 30 Days, Next 365 Days.
9.35 12/11/2007
1. Adding option 4 to the Preference Report Tab, PCA Recommendation, Work Order, Group by site. It identifies in the report the treated location by having the site name and the number of blocks treated .
9.34 12/7/2007
1. Using the default location of Windows to handle temporary folders.
2. In the invoice when only one block is included in the application, dropping the extension.
3. In commission record and commission payment records change the order of input fields date before employee.
4. Adding the option to the Preference Verification Tab of "Allow Site Change In Block" this makes it possible to handle Nursery operations where the block record represents a planting that is being transferred from one site (Location) to another. To have this option the user must set the option Preferences Application Tab "Nursery Operation" to Y. When the user changes a block from one site to another he must record in the season identifier the current site name.
9.33 11/28/2007
1. Reorganization of the Reports Tab of the Preferences.
2. When the multi operation module is not included don’t show the owner column in the block and site find screens.
3. Added an option to the Preference Reports Tab "Use Variety Name" in the PCA Recommendation or Work Order. When it is set to Y the reports use the Application Variety name instead of the crop name.
4. Added the option to the Preference Reports Tab "Group by Site Record" in the CA Reports part. When it is set to N the reports group all the blocks that have the same Site ID in the treated season regardless of the Site to which the block belongs. If it is set to Y it separates blocks with the same Site-ID based on the site to which they belong.
5. Changed the way the program handles marking the exported field in the records that are exported from the program to accounting program. Before the change the exported mark was based on the option "All that were not exported before." After the change all records that are sent to an export file are marked as Exported.
6. Adding an option to review the export file created to be sent to an accounting program.
7. Correction of an error that used the wrong Material ID in the Accounting export file if the procedure was run after the user entered the Application screen.
9.32 11/5/2007
1. Adding a Default Tab option to the Preference Application Tab . It selects the default tab of the application screen. The tabs include: Material, Charges, Measurement, Crew, Equipment, Irrigation and Planting.
2. Added option to the Preference Reports Tab to include all block maps to The PCA Recommendation/Work Order.
3. Correction of an error that prevented the creation of a new invoice if the inventory module was not included in the configuration.
9.31 10/16/2007
1. Improvement of the way the program handles updating prices of materials and applications when new purchases are added.
2. Adding the program parameter /Z that determines the location of the backup file temporary folder. For example placing the temporary file in the folder C:\Jill.win\Temp is accomplished by having the Target in the program shortcut as Jill.exe /Z=C:\Jill.win\Temp
3. With the Inventory module, adding Inventory Reconciliation screen. A new Purchase Preference determines the valuation of the inventory. Average, Material Record or Last purchase.
4. Correcting an error in exporting the Irrigation grid of the Application.
5. With the Multi User Module, adding two new options in the Application Tab Preferences. Lock Entry Date and Lock Exported. When they are set to Y only a user who is the Supervisor or has access level of 1 can change those items of the Application screen.
9.30 9/10/2007
1. In harvest record hiding the drop down button of the unit fields (for example weight unit).
2. Correction of an error of name change when importing connectivity files. The error was creating several records with the same record name when the new name was already used.
9.29 9/12/2007
1. With the Scheduling module added the option to Repeat applications. This option allows the creation of a sequence of identical records with a proposed start date at a given interval. When the user adds a new application a menu item "Repeat" appears. After the user completes entering all the application data (Except for a completion date) he can select the "Repeat" menu option. If the application is valid the program displays a "Repeat Application" specification screen. In this screen the user enters the Interval between the applications and the number of repetitions. When the user clicks on the Execute button the program duplicates the record according to the number of repetitions and interval. If the Label Verification module is included in the configuration the program does NOT verify accumulated season limits.
2. With the Yield Estimate module adding the Grape Maturity projection capability. It is accomplished by adding the Grape Maturity Measurement Type that includes the following measurements: Brix, TA, pH and Target Brix. As the grapes are getting closer to maturity Grape Maturity measurements are taken and recorded in the Measurement Log (Measurement Type of Grape Maturity must be entered ). The program uses the last two Brix readings and the Target Brix to project the date of the Target Harvest Date. The Grape Maturity Report includes the Projected Target Harvest date and the projected values of TA and pH. When the parameter "Show Details" is set to "No" the report lists ONLY the last prejections
9.28 8/24/2007
1. With Accounting Interface module correction of the error where the program was changing applications with blank completion dates and not included in export file to show as exported.
2. Adding program parameter /B that activates tracing for parts of the program that are using Web Services (CDMS, Doane and California web service).
3. Correcting the way the program handles addition of school operation when the multi block module is not included.
4. Improving the way the program handles Schools. Allowing for modification of blocks and sites of school locations. Removing the area check in application of schools.
9.27 8/2/2007
1. Changed Material Database version to 20.4
2. Changes in the Program Registration Form.
3. With Multi User Module, with Preference >> Verification Tab "Allow Material Change" option set to N and Not logged in as Supervisor user cannot change Material Type.
9.26 7/27/2007
1. In Export to Accounting format 1 changing the delimiter from tab to "|";
9.25 7/24/2007
1. In Export to Accounting format 1 when the invoice is created by an application that handles more than one block changing to split the amounts proportionally to block treated area
9.24 7/20/2007
1. With the Doane module, adding Doane ID option to the Preferences>>Doane Tab.
2. Adding an option to use the Application Method Name instead of the symbol in the California NOI or Use report to the Preferences>> Reports Tab
3. Changing the import version requirement to 9.20
9.23 6/22/2007
1. When the program does not include the network module the local folder is set to the program folder.
2. Improvement of the commission correction procedure.
3. Adding Accounting Interface Custom 1
4. Changes in the CA Webservice:
a. California Web Service moved San Luis Obispo and Santa Clara to new URLs at http://www.rmmsweb.com/ from http://www.streamlinebiz.com
b. Moved the server address of all counties except "san luis obispo","santa clara" to new address
c. Removed the special case for "Stanislaus" county's URL, that used to be without year
9.22 7/1/2007
1. With the Multi User Module a new option in the Preference>>Verification Tab: "Allow Material Modification". It is used to prevent users that are not supervisors from changing the materials. When it is set to N only the Supervisor can modify the materials. A user that is not a supervisor cannot modify, add, delete or export material record.
2. Correction of the Materials Find when CDMS module is not included.
3. Changes in the web service dll file version to resolve installation of newer versions.
4. Correction of the procedure to identify which record includes a material that the user attempts at changing its form.
9.21 5/29/2007
1. Correction the way program sends block names to CDMS. The sent name includes the Owner name. A new procedure was added to convert the old name with the new name: CDMS Conversions >> Rename Blocks.
2. Added an option to the Preference >> Application Tab "Force Completion Date Check". When it is set to Y the program, in the Application Screen compares the Completion Date to the Proposed Start Date and requires that the Completion Date will be at or after the Proposed Start Date.
3. Added Exclude to Measurement Records and Measurement Types
9.20 4/17/2007
1.Adding Yield Estimate Module.
2.Correction the way the program handles duplicated applications with the CDMS Check module. When the user duplicates an application to be checked by CDMS the program does not check that the crop is registred to the material. This check is performed by CDMS.
3. Correction of the way the program handles the sending of completed applications to CDMS.
9.12 4/10/2007
1. Correction of error in invoice record that changed the total of an invoice created by year end closing procedure when a correction was entered.
2. Removal of work order and PCA recommendation report preferences when the modules are not included.
3. With CDMS Check module correction of the way the program handles banded applicationl
4. With California Web Service module correcting the way the program handles duplicate transmission of records.
9.11 4/1/2007
1. With NOI & Mapping Modules adding to Preferences >> Reports Tab an option "Include Map" in the NOI report.
2. With Work Order Module adding to Preferences >> Reports Tab an option to "Include Charges"
3. With CDMS ChemCheck module resolving allowed harvest interval issues.
9.10 3/27/2007
1. Correction of errors caused by the way the CDMS module handles dates.
9.09 3/20/2007
1. With Doane and Non Crop Modules when the application is non-crop application, crop stage is not required.
2, When in "Restore deleted records mode" do not allow change of data folder
3. Correcting and error when using Time format 4 and leaving time input field PM changes to AM .
4. Improving the way Windows Vista handles the block screen when the multi block module is not included in the configuration.
9.06 2/15/2007
1. Adding an option to the Preference >> General Tab "Force SSN Format (xxx-xx-xxxx)
2. Correction of data year closing procedure that handles purchases of transfer from one inventory center to the other.
3. With the CDMS ChemCheck module allowing CDMS check when the branch is empty.
4. In the application screen always including the proposed start time.
5. With inventory module added an option to Preference >>Defaults Tab "Assign Owner's Inventory Center". When this preference is set to "Y" the program sets the first inventory center that belongs to the owner in the application.
6. Changing the way the program handles the contact person after duplicating an operation. The program no longer removes the contact person in the new record.
9.05 1/23/2007
1. Correct the correct invoices procedure.
2. Correct the data year closing procedure
9.04 1/18/2007
1. Correcting the error messages produced by California Web Service procedure.
9.03 1/11/2007
1. Correcting a division by zero error in Application that occurs when crew commission is set to pay by area.
9.02 1/8/2007
1. When assigning CDMS material to Tiger Jill material adding the option of sorting the material by name, EPA Number and Manufacturer.
2. Correction of an error when the multi block module is not included that changes the owner of a block.
9.01 1/8/2007
1. Correction of adding a new material with the CDMS module.
2. Improving of the way the program handles User Record with Multi User Module.
3. With CDMS Module adding the branch and fieldman to the user record
4. With the Internet link module adding a main menu item "Internet Links" . It includes links to Orange Enterprises, CDMS, DPR Find material by name, DPR Find Material by EPA number.
5. Adding a CDMS field to the crop record.
6. Correcting an error in exporting to Pocket Jill when Preferences >> General Tab >> "Display Soil Type in Block Record" is set to N
9.00 1/1/2007
1. Changes associated with the CDMS Module:
a. Adding to Block’s Season Grid: pH (0-14) , Organic Matter (0-100%), End Date Planting Date.
b. Adding to Application data fields verified, Y or N VerificationDetails – date time etc. VerificationComment. Comment that can be used in the Recommendation
2. Correcting the procedure for creating all the files using the /F parameter. Making sure that the file ApplLot.DB is created.
3. Increasing the accuracy form 2 decimal points to 15 of the material purchase cost transferred from the purchase record to the material record.
4. Required import is 9.00 changes of the way Ascii 10 and Ascii 13 are handled since they signify end of line characters.
5. Adding the Application CDMS tab
6. Adding the percentage column to the Material Active Ingredient grid.
7. Improving the way the program is handling lookup items that are not included in the dropdowns.
8. Correcting the procedure that creates service charge invoices to remove discount fields
9. Correction data year closing when Preferences: With New Purchase Update Cost In Material and With New Purchase Update Material Price in Application are set to Y.